Chapter 13: Dirty Tactics

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A few hours passed since Brett had gotten home from school. The outside world was now shrouded over as the darkness had rolled over the sky plunging it into night. It had just turned to midnight as Brett scrolled through on a laptop doing one final check on all his social medias.

He loved this time of night, the house was quiet and he finally had time to actually think about his life. He didn't like to admit it but he knew he was a night owl, the darkness called to him as it put his soul to rest and allowed his imagination to flourish.

However the day had been long, yet exciting with everything that happened between him and Bailey and Emma. Brett looked down at his phone again, hoping he would see a message from one of the girls, but like the rest of the night it was dead. The clock turned to midnight, he didn't know why he thought they'd still be awake as he continued to scroll.

There was nothing of interest as Brett began to close the laptop as a little red notifier popped up in the top corner of the screen. He clicked on the icon as the message Bailey has sent you a friend request appeared. What were the odds.

Without even thinking twice about it he accepted the request and continued scrolling. He had played with the thought about messaging her but it was getting late and he really just wanted to be alone with his dreams. Again he attempted to close the laptop as yet another red notification popped up on the screen and then another one and another one following that.

His notifications were rising in count as each second passed he clicked on the icon as it revealed the source. Bailey was constantly posting on his profile page. The screen couldn't load fast enough as it finally pulled up the profile he quickly scrolled down surprised at what he saw.

Bailey was posting picture after picture of herself. Using the light from her laptop Brett could see that her bed sheet was up to her waist as she laidd on her side. Above the cover she had a neon orange tank top on, the small portion of her exposed chest had a few scars running across it, he couldn't tell if they were fresh or had been there for a while, but they were clearly dominant on her palely lite skin in the picture. Brett could only assume that something underneath the tank top giving her some extra support in trying to seduce him.

Looking past that, she had changed her make up from what it was earlier in the day. Her eyes were circled with eye shadow of a abyss black colour. Her lips weren't much different, he was shocked to see that they actually made black lipstick all year round and not just halloween. Everything was accompanied by a flirtatious grin in the first picture.

The rest of the picture were her contorted in different positions, each pose she made eye contact with the camera as if looking into Brett's soul. Brett's heart was constantly pumping, confused, something in him liked what he saw, probably his primal teenage desires mixed with a splash of puberty, but he couldn't focus not because of his desire for the girl. Instead the fact that all these pictures were being publicly posted for everyone to see.

Brett knew he had to act fast, and started deleting the posts, but Bailey had a good start on him. He got through the first few before finally opening a chat window with Bailey. The posts stopped for a second giving Brett time to clear out a few more before finally typing to her.

"Those are some interesting pictures you're sending me."

A few seconds pass as Brett continues to clear out more pictures, as she wrote a reply.

"Do you like them?"

"Yea they're great but you can stop."

Quick on the retort, all Brett could think about now was what would his mother say if she saw all these seductive photos all over his account when she woke up in the morning. A minute passed as the typing icon appeared and disappeared until a message finally popped up.

"When I'm ready."

The notifications start to increase quickly again, but Brett was ready to try and keep pace with her, until sending another message.

"Is that going to be soon?"

All he could think about was Tori badgering him for answers about this mysterious girl, as he kept deleting posts. Again a message popped up from Bailey.

"Maybe :P"

The stupid smiley face confirmed to Brett what he was afraid of. This was all a game to Bailey, this was how she was going to beat Emma, using dirty tactics to get Brett to lust over her. He couldn't let this happen as he began to plead with the girl.

"Please stop."

"Okay, just one more. I hope you like it."

The pause between notifications was odd as the image eventually arrived. Brett clicked the notification open, revealing the picture. It was different from the rest. Bailey had now pulled the cover up to just under her neck, her collar bones were prominent in the picture as well as small portions of the scars. The biggest difference though, the orange tank top was gone from her body, and instead the top and what Brett could only assume was a bra were laying in a heap lower down on the bed by her feet.

Bailey was biting down on her lower lip, a bit of the black lipstick rubbed of on her teeth as her one finger was pulling on the top of the cover teasing Brett, her other hand was extended out taking the photo.

"Hope you keep this one. I'll be checking tomorrow."

The message almost drove Brett crazy, as he read it over and over again until he did what any angsty teenage boy in the situation would and saved the picture, hoping that Bailey was kidding about actually checking but he couldn't be to careful. The notifications finally stopped after the last image as one last text bubble popped up.

"Okay I'm done, goodnight."

In an instant Bailey disappeared as if she was never on at all. Brett was still staring at the picture thinking about how quickly the girls mood had changed. One moment she is extremely flirtatious the next she's shy and disappeared. Trying to comprehend Bailey, the thought of her was giving him a head ache as it was time for bed. Tomorrow would be a different day and he could put all this behind him. He double checked to make sure all the photos had been deleted and that Emma would never find out about it before turning off the laptop and going to bed.

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