Chapter 30: First Dateish

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Pushing through the doors into the foyer of the school, behind Brett, Cam put a hand on the door to keep it open as the two of them walked out into the spacious but empty room.

"So man, you heading home now?"

The two of them walk into the centre of the foyer. The front entrance of the school was behind Cam while a row of chairs were behind Brett.

"Nah, I'm waiting for that girl."

"Oh well then you two love birds have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"So basically just do nothing then."

Cam was already walking to the doors as Brett, brought up him and Bailey being love birds. Trying to be witty though all he got out of Cam was a backwards piece sign as he left school. Brett looked around the room, only to see he was the only one there. With nothing else to do he took a seat and pulled out his phone to text Tori.

Hey, not going to be home till later. Brett sent the message when Bailey and her mom walked out from the gymnasium. Bailey looked around until she saw Brett sitting in one of the chairs. That's when Brett knew that it was time to make a first impression. He rose from the chair and walked over to the two ladies with a confident smile on his face.


Bailey walked forward, as her mother kept her distance until Bailey was ready to introduce her. She had a shy grin on her face as she walked up to Brett, before hugging him. Brett was hesitant as he could see her mother keeping a close eye on the two if them, however he sucked up his fear and put his hands around her just enough to pass as a hug that's when things escalated as she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward her mother.

"Brett, this is my mom, Michelle. Mom, this is Brett."

Michelle walked over and extended a hand to Brett. He graciously obliged and shook the women's hand. It was the first time that he had actually had a good view of Bailey's mom. Michelle had curly platinum white hair, her face completely botoxed not a wrinkle in sight. This was all accompanied by a nice looking pant suit and a warm smile.

"So this is the little heartthrob you've been talking about."

The women eyed Brett up, as if seeing if he really was such a hot shot. Bailey quickly began to blush. While Michelle adjusted the purse on her shoulder and prepared to leave.

"Mom shut up."

"Are you going to be okay Bailey?"

Michelle looked at her daughter, who looked back at Brett then back to her.

"Yea, Brett will take care of me."

She went to leave but as she takes one last look at the two of them, she notices them holding hands. She can't help but smile before turning away from them, the smile faded to become a frown but the two of them would never know that.

"Alright, take care of her Brett. She's your responsibility now, and please don't do anything crazy."

"We won't."

Looking over her shoulder, Michelle gave Bailey a bit of a concerned look, but Bailey reassured her enough to lose the concerned look and proceeded to leave the school. She was finally out of sight which allowed Bailey to turn and look at Brett.

"You ready to go?"

"Yea sure I guess."

The response was all Bailey needed to start pulling Brett toward the door, Brett managed to match her pace as they walked out of the school together. Their arms swung back and forth as Brett led them through the first set of door when someone else walked in from the other side they nearly hit each other, as they both turned to face each other. It was Emma.

As soon as Emma noticed Brett she turned away only to see the two of them holding each other's hands and kept her head down walking right past him. A grim look appeared on Brett's face as she passed but then remembered Bailey and their date. He didn't hesitate as he continued through the doors with Bailey following close behind them. The two of them got outside and began walking down a path in the middle of a field.

"So I guess we should talk about the elephant in the room."


"I thought you were moving back to you home town what happened?"

Bailey knew this conversation was coming as she stopped smiling and avoided eye contact with Brett.

"Well my step dad gambled most of our money away, and my grandmother wants nothing to do with the family as long as he's around."


Bailey was becoming agitated by the conversation. Brett could see it as he held onto her hand a little tighter then before letting her know that he was still there of her. She started to perk up as they walked over a hill where a big rock sat in the middle of a valley.

"Hey there's a place out here that I occasionally come to, to think. It's just over this hill. C'mon."

She let go of Brett's hand and ran down the hill to the cracked boulder sitting in the middle of the valley, and started climbing on it. Brett casually walked down the hill through the tall grass and sat down on the rocks flat surface. Bailey hopped off a smaller rock nearby and sat on the rock beside Brett.

"So my mom really likes you."


Bailey sat down and dangled her feet off the rock, the light was illuminating her yellow sundress beautifully as Brett looked at the girl daydreaming about her.

"Yea she literally said that you look like a badass, and wondered why someone like you was hanging out with me."

"Well tell her I say thanks I guess. I've never been called a badass before."

He began to laugh at the thought of him actually being a badass, Brett couldn't be further away from that title. Beside him Bailey slid closer and leaned her head on Brett's shoulder as the two look out at the field residing in the valley. They sit in silence savouring the moment as the wind rustled through the grass and the sun continued to beat down on them.

"So everyone's been asking me lately, wanting to know if we're dating yet."

"We've already been down that road."

The thought of the memory didn't bother Brett anymore, he had hoped that he wouldn't see Bailey again, well at least a part of him did, another was really hoping this day would come.


Bailey had a depressed tone in her voice as she looked down at her feet.

"Did you ever think about it?"

He had to know, solely asking the question to see what she was going to say. Maybe things had changed, maybe there was still hope for them to be an actual couple.

"Of course I did. You literally the sweetest guy I know. Besides maybe my answer has changed now."

She lifted her head giving Brett a flirtatious smile. The emotions rushed back to Brett to those days in the cold when him and Bailey had gotten so close. They never talked about it after that break to embarrassed of what happened but now it was different.



Having to much fun, tugging at his emotions Bailey gave him a coy smile knowing that Brett was on to her. Until something erupted from her and she grabbed Brett's collar on his hoodie and casually pushed him over so his back was laying on the rock. Bailey perched herself up on his chest and stared down into his eyes. Both of them shared a breath with each other until Bailey starts to lower her head, she brushed the hair away from her face putting it behind her ear.

Brett realized what was happening as he closed his eyes and waited. He had been ready to kiss Bailey for months and this was it. Their lips were only a few inches apart now, when suddenly they could feel a low rumbling coming from the ground. An oddity of sorts, they never got earthquakes and the sky was bright blue. They weren't ready for what came next.

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