4.0 《issues》

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September 4, 2016

Alex has been gone for two weeks, and nobody knows where he went. We have tried to contact him but he doesn't respond. I am really worried.

A week after he left, I fell into a cloud of depression. I hardly leave my room anymore. Alex left without saying goodbye.

I keep a smile on my face for the camera, but my friends know it's fake. The fans wonder where Alex is, but nobody says anything.

Oh, and I also got my own apartment in David's complex. I needed out of that boy infested place.

I hear a knock at my front door. "It's David, I got a pig for the vlog, do you wanna come see him?" He asks.

"Sure." I agree, opening the door.

"Really?" He asks out of disbelief.

"Yea, I mean, I have to get over the whole Alex situation sometime. Why not start now?" I sigh.

We walk to his apartment and the cutest pig I've ever seen is laying there.

"It's so cute!" I squeal with a big smile on my face. I smiled for the first time in a long time.

I pick it up, causing it to squeal. I hang out with the pig and David for a good 20 minutes. Then Liza texts me.

Little Brown Girl:
Will you please come hang out with me?

I text back with a quick "sure" and tell David.

"I'm going to go hang out with Liza, thanks for showing me the piggy. Bye, Oinkers!" I explain.

"Oinkers?" He says, raising an eyebrow.

"Yea, that's his name now." I laugh and walk out of the apartment.

The drive there is quick. I have my car now, which is a plus.

I don't have to be let up because Liza gave me a key that gets me into the lobby. I get up to her apartment and knock.

She answers and immediately pulls me into a hug. "How are you doing?" She asks, letting me inside.

"I'm alright, how are you?" I respond.

"Me? I'm not the one who is heartbroken." Liza points out.

"I just wish he would do something to let us know he is alright. You know?" I confess.

She nods in response, letting me get it off my chest.

"I'm not even sad anymore, I'm infuriated! He gets my hopes up, being able to talk to him every day, then just leaves! Who does that?!" I rant.

"And Liza, I liked him as more than a best friend. It's like my heart was stomped on and thrown in the trash." I sob.

"Oh, honey. I'm sure he is going to come back. His home is here." She hugs me.

"I'm done with this crap. Let's just film a video to take my mind off of it." I mumble, grabbing my camera.


After filming the video, I text David.

To: David Dobrik
I've got a bit idea for my vlog, I promise you'll have fun 😉😏 Meet me at this address if yes:
(insert driving directions link here)

A few minutes later he responds saying he will do it.

"Liza, I'm going to get going. I have to stop at the store to get stuff for my vlog." I explain.

"Okay, please try to get your mind of it." She says, hugging me.

"I will." I simply respond before leaving her apartment.

I go to the tool store first to get two sledgehammers for David and I. Then I go to my Uncle's car garage.

"Hey, Uncle Danny!" I laugh giving him a hug.

"Hey, pumpkin! How are you?" He greets me.

"I've been better, but I'm actually here to ask you a favor. Could I beat up one of your useless cars?" I ask with a smirk.

He laughs and agrees.

He brings me to this rusty, red car as I carry the sledgehammers and my camera.

"If someone named David comes, tell him to come over here." I say, staring at the car before he walks away.

Soon enough, David walks over to me. I hand him a sledgehammer. He grabs it hesitantly.

"Uh, are you feeling alright?" He worries.

"I'm fine." I snap.

The old me would have apologized. Not today.

I press start on the camera that is currently set on a different car on a tripod.

"Welcome to breaking things with Hailey. With special guest, David Dobrik. Let's get started." I sass, jumping on top of the car and smashing the windshield. Oh don't worry, I have protective glasses.

I just beat the car up, unleashing my inner rage. I haven't been this angry in a while....

David gets taken back by this new side of me.


Hailey was 17 years old.

"You can't just leave us!" Hailey cries to her father.

"I can do whatever I want. You and your mother are ungrateful. The only reason you have a roof over you head is because I payed for it!" He screams, throwing his belongings in his car.

"Oh cry me a river! You have to provide for your family! Just go get drunk with some young blonde like you usually do!" She shouts, causing him to get angry. He walks over to her and slaps her across the face.

Tears cloud Hailey's vision as she sees her father drive away and never come back.

Alex, her best friend and next door neighbor, comes to comfort her. She breaks down in tears.

After a small amount of time of being sad, she started to rebel. Anger washed over the sweet girl everybody knew.

The only person in her life that could fix the problem was Alex. The one persone who understood her, cared about her, and loved her.

Hailey Williams has abandonment issues, and if Alex doesn't come back soon, she will be like this for a long time.

cRaZy!!  Video Trailer for Hailey's new "attitude" made by me:

As you can see, she needs help. Will Alex come back? If he does, will it be too late? Find out next chapter ;) Comment ideas and feedback!

Published: August 11, 2017
Words: 1,000+

Me and You | Alex Ernst Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon