7.0 《family》

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I knock on my Mom and Sister's house door. Lizzie answer the door surprised. She immediately squeezes me in a hug. Lizzie is a 18 year old girl and my sister.

Lizzie just graduated this year, and she is trying to figure out what to do with her life. For now, she takes online college classes. 

"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much!" She squeals.

"I missed you too." I respond, tears filling my eyes.

"Hailey! Oh my! I didn't know you were coming!" My mom exclaims, running into a hug.

"I just had to get away from LA. It's pretty stressful." I say with a dry laugh.

We walk inside so my sister and I head to her bedroom.

"I've seen the posts and comments, Hailey. What happened?" She questions.

"Alex changed, Lizzie. He left for a month with no contact. He didn't even say goodbye. Then, he shows back up and expects everything to be fine. I distanced myself from Alex and all his friends after that. And finally I decided I needed to talk it out, but I walked into their apartment only to see Corinna and Alex making out. It broke my heart, now I'm here." I explain with tears dotting my eyes. I can't cry, I've cried too much.

"I'm so sorry, Hailey. When are you going to go back?" She asks.

"I don't know. My life is there now, but I just needed some space." I answer. She sighs.

"Isn't the carnival tonight? We should go. And we can film some stuff for my music video." I say, trying to cheer us up.

"Your making a music video?" She gasps.

"Yea! It's for my original song." I brag with a laugh.

Later the night, we go to the carnival and have lots of fun.

"So, how's school going?" I ask her. She takes a online college course so she works off of a computer.

"Pretty good so far. How's LA? I mean, besides people-wise." She asks with a laugh.

"It's beautiful. You should come with me for a while, I bet you would like it." I offer.

"That would be so awesome! We should ask mom when we get back." Lizzie suggests with a big smile.

I nod in agreement. I think having Lizzie there with me will help me. We could have so much fun together.


"Mom!" We both called from the kitchen after we walked into the house. I pull out my vlog camera to get some footage.

"Yes?" She asks as she walks into the kitchen.

"So, I want to take Lizzie with me to LA. She can still do her school work while we are there. You know she's not gonna stay here forever, Mom. Just want to make sure your alright with it." I explain. 

"Please mom! I really want to go!" Lizzie begs.

"Sure. Lizzie, you need to listen to your sister at all times. And Hailey, please be responsible." She sternly says.

"Yay! I'm going to go pack!" Lizzie squeals, running to her room.

"We are going to leave tomorrow, if that's okay." I announce.

"That's fine. I think it will be good for her to get out of the house. It's been tough for her." My mom confesses.

It might have been a short trip, but I'm glad I came.

Words: 556

Me and You | Alex Ernst Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang