Chapter Eighteen

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Zanders: Point of View

I watched as Eveline dragged my mate and her brother into our living room. Is sent out a link to everyone at the party to not enter that room, as I didn't want anyone disrupting them. I had never seen her so happy then she was with her brother. They brought out the absolute best in each other. When we had first found will, I was a bit sceptical but secretly I had Sydney do a DNA test. I know I shouldn't have but I just couldn't have him turn out to be evil, like everyone else in her life.

Ah, finally my aunt and uncle arrive. Aunty Beiana immediately opened her arms and welcomed me in a hug.

"Hi, Aunty B," I said as she basically squeezed the life out of me. She finally realised me from her tight hood and I turned to Uncle Eric how had his hand extended to me. I shook it before bro hugging Noah and Elanor.

"Where's Mary," I asked referring to Noah's mate.

"She's visiting her grandparents, up at the snow." I don't know how he could just let this mate go someone, I think I would go crazy if Clara where to go away, I would miss her so much.

"It sound's nice, I should take Clara there someday." I said wondering if shew would like a holiday, I doubt she had ever been on one and she needed a break after everything that's been going on.

"We've got a cabin up there if you would like to go up there for a couple of days?" Noah offered. I thought about it for a second, before agreeing and thanking Noah.

"Let's go get cooking," Said Uncle Eric, all that man though about was food I'm surprised he didn't marry cake instead of Aunty B. I went to the kitchen and grabbed out the meat from the fridge and walked outside to see Uncle Eric starting the BBQ. When the BBQ was ready, we chucked on the meat. After getting yelled out by Uncle Eric for cooking the meat the wrong we all grabbed a beer from the eski.

"Hey, what's wrong with ya?" Noah asked nudging Elanor, I had noticed she had been fidgeting around too.

"I don't know, Beatrix is being a pain. You know it's funny for someone who name mean's she who brings happiness sure ain't bringing any happiness to me, stupid wolf." She muttered the last part to herself mainly. She went quiet for a bit and I knew that she was having an argument with her wolf. I felt for her I knew how much of a pain my wolf could be at times.

'Seriously bro? I'm right here in your head I can hear everything you think.' Alexi said before growling at me. I then felt the hair on my neck rise and new that my mate had entered the room. I turned my head a looked at her and smiled she looked really happy. Our moment was not long lived when she noticed Elanor beside me. They had grown close, and I must admit my wolf may have gotten a little possessive, when he wasn't the only one in Clara's life, but he got over it.

"Elanor!" She screamed out causing my cousin to turn in her direction. Elanor walked towards her before she stopped suddenly, her eyes know focused on Will. I knew that look, not long ago did o have that look. When Sydney had brought in a crying Maggie whilst carrying a bleeding Clara. She had opened her eyes for a brief second and I immediately felt our bond. That was when I fell in love.

Hang on, no no no! My little cousin had found her mate! My cousin had found her mate! Eww my cousin had found her mate.

I looked up out of my haze and saw Will bolting out the front door and shifting. I watched as my mate, ran to Eleanor's aid before taking her into the lounge room, which was still empty as I order it to be.

"What's wrong E?" Noah said trying to comfort his sister.

"She found her mate." Clara and myself said at the same time. Aunty B and Uncle Eric walked in.

"That's wonderful dear, why are you upset I thought you wanted a mate." Aunty B said as she comforted Eleanor

"He ran, he's rejecting me. Am I not pretty enough?" She said as she looked up at everyone.

"He what?!" Noah and Eric screamed out.

"I'm going to find him and kill him, how could someone do that to my little sister." Noah was about to shift he was so angry.

'Calm down, he's not reflecting her. Just wait I'll explain', but before I could Clara jumped in before me.

"No, he would never I wouldn't let him. Please understand he's all new to this just give him a chance. He's probably just scarred at the moment okay. No he is scarred he's really scared I can feel it. Just let me go find him okay?" She said trying to Calm Noah and Uncle Eric.

"Who is this guy and how can you feel his emotions?" Eric asked he was trying not to get to angry but someone had hurt his daughter, I know if I had a daughter I would kill anyone who ever hurt her.

"He's my brother, my twin actually the bond between us is strong. He's new to all this, I'm going to find him okay I'll be back with him soon." Clara said before, kissing me on the cheek and leaving to go find Will.

"Why though... why did he run?" Eleanor asked, tear streaks covered her face, before she let her head fall to her hands in her lap. . I sat down on the floor in front of her and lifted her head up.

"You know why Clara was a rouge, who her dad was?" She nodded.

"Her farther Andrew had a mate, she was also Clara and Wills mothers doctor. When she found out the Clara's mother was pregnant she was furious and told Andrew. They were going to kill the baby." She gasped.

"But they soon found out that Willow, was going to have twins. So they created a plan to take one. They did. They took Will, he was the first born so they took him. They kept him locked up in a cell his whole life. Until we found him and found out who he was." I finished taking a big breath. I looked at Eleanor, she was no longer upset, she was angry. Angry that people had harmed her mate.

"I understand why now." She said as she stood up. I stood up to joining her and the others. I went to follow the others out the door way, when shooting pains came from my chest stopping me. Immediately my family rushed to my aid.

I grunted in pain, before it subsided. It was still there but it didn't hurt as much. I knew this feeling.

"I'm not hurt," I said jumping up and running to the front door.

"Clara is.." I swung the door open ready to shift and go find her, when I saw Will running through the forest? heading towards the house, with Clara bleeding out in his arms.
I just thought I would switch it up here and show Zanders side of the story. I'm not sure if I'll switch again but thought I was nice to have something different. Also I have been going through the chapters and editing. It will say '*Edited*' at the top of the chapter. Also a big thanks for over 100 reads. Yay!!!!'

Love y'all
Rugrat Out

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