Chapter Twenty-Four

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"All done," I said zipping up our final suit case. Zander came in and took the suit cases from me before walking out the door again to pack it in the car. I stood up of the bed and began walking toward the door. I was half way to the door, when the world began to spin around me. I felt my self-trip over my feet whilst trying to regain my balance. I felt myself beginning to fall. Suddenly strong arms surrounded me and re-balanced me, holding me tight.

Arghhh, great now I had a headache. "I'm okay, now."

I said, yet Zanders grip still remained around me. "I'm okay, I was just a bit dizzy." I said again. Finally Zander loosened his grip on me. His hands disappeared from around my waist and I watched as Zander walked into the bathroom. He returned with a bottle of Panadol.

"Here," he said handing me the bottle. I opened it and took out two tablets and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water, before swallowing them down.

"Thanks," I said and then handed the bottle back to Zander. He returned them to their spot and then set me down on the couch.

"I'll just go finish packing the car then I'll come get you." I sat back against the couch and closed my eyes waiting for the Panadol's to kick in. I had just gotten comfortable on the couch when I heard Zander come back in.

"I got you a pillow and a couple of blankets set up for the ride home so you can sleep" He said as he helped me up off the couch. God, I loved this man. I kissed him in the cheek and walked to the car as he locked up the house. I opened my car door, a smile immediately made its way to my face. He had put my chair as far back as it would go and had a pillow where my head would rest and some blankets to keep me warm. I hoped in and shut the door before snuggling into the warm blankets. Zander soon hoped in the car. His hand found mine in-between the blanket and he gave it a squeeze.

"Thank-you, for setting this up." I said as I squeezed his hand back.

"Anything, to make my love better," he said before he started the car beginning our journey home.

After an hour I began to feel better and sat up though it was short lived as I soon felt the need to be sick which caused Zander to pull over so I could throw up. Zander handed me a bottle of water so I could rinse it out and a piece of gum for after.

"Thanks," I said as I rinsed out my mouth and then placed the gum in it. We then hit the car again and thankfully I felt much better. We had left the snow after lunch and it was now dark, Zander told me to lie down and get some more rest and that he would wake me up when we stopped for dinner. An like he said he did wake me up when he had found a servo. We ended up having Maccas, I had a happy meal with a nuggets whilst Zander had a large double quarter pounder meal with six nuggets and a cheeseburger. The woman who had been serving us, had been shocked when Zander kept adding things to his meal. Even though I knew that as werewolves we burned through food quicker, I was still curious to know how he wasn't fat.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he shoved fries in his mouth.

"I don't really think that's the question, I think the question is how you aren't fat?" I said trying to hide my smile as I asked the question.

"Ha ha," he said with a sarcastic smile, "But I'm being serious, how are you feeling?"

"Better now, it's probably from the deer we caught yesterday, though I was surprised we even caught a deer this time of the year." He lifted his other hand up and then intertwined our fingers together, letting our hands rest on the table.

After Zander had finished pigging out we continued with the rest of our travels home.

"Where one hour from home, now... Are you okay Clars you're looking a bit sick again?"

"My headaches back again that's all." I said putting on a fake smile hoping her wouldn't see through it, but I know he did.

"Just get some sleep okay, if you're not awake when we get home you can say hello to everyone tomorrow," he said before I fell asleep.

I woke up a little while later, I felt myself being picked up. From the sparks shooting up from where I was being touched I knew it was Zander who was carrying me. I pretended to remain asleep.

"How was the snow?" I knew that voice it was Will.

"I was good, how where things here." How was Zander not getting tired holding me in his arms whilst having a conversation?

"Good the boys have been training with the rest of the shifted pup's and of course are topping everyone else." Will laughed after saying that but quickly quieted down after I heard Zander shush him. "I'll let you get her to bed, she looks really sick." I felt a hand brush over my forehead, it must have been Will's hand.

"Yes, actually tomorrow. I've got to sort out your ceremony, whilst I do that would you mind looking after her?" It was hard to stop myself from scoffing did Zander really think I needed babysitting.

"Of course." Will said before him and Zander said goodbye to each other and Zander began ascending the stairs to our bedroom, damm he was strong. He somehow managed to open the door without hands and placed me down gently on the bed and tucking me in before getting into bed himself and pulling me closer to him.

"Goodnight my Clara," he whispered before I was completely consumed by sleep.


I hope this wasn't a boring chapter to you guys, I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter, because it showed how caring Zander is and stuff. But anyway another one down, but yet still more to come.

That's all for now,

Rugrat Out

My SaviourOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara