Chapter Twenty

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"Who is this women," Sydney asks more to himself then us.

"I didn't know, we should send it out to the pack to see if anyone can recognize her." Zander said before I saw the image flash through my head, as well as Zanders voice asking anyone with knowledge of her to alert us immediately. We then sat down in Zanders office discussing to add new security measures until the situation is fixed.

We had finally all agreed with the new security measures and had them placed and in action within two hours. Will and Elanor had left, when Eveline walked in.

"Alpha, Luna." She said nodding, "I have information about the woman you shared with us in the link. Her name is Gwendoline." She said. I looked at Zander witches tended to keep themselves hidden and would rarely work with other supernatural's. They were peaceful beings though, it was everyone else that had wiped most of their species out, fearing there power.

"A witch?" Zander asked, lifting his eyebrow in the process. He looked really cute when he did that. Oi, focus Clara now's not the time to have those kind of thoughts.

"Yes, she used to work with our pack, she's a lovely lady. I don't know why she would be in any kind of trouble, she wouldn't even hurt a mosquito if it was biting her." She said, I could tell she was close with Gwendoline.

"By any chance you wouldn't happen to know where we could find her, would you." I asked.

"Oh yes dear, she lives just off the Grienfield pack line, on Marlin rd, She's the only house on the street actually. She's really a solitary person." She trailed off, getting lost in her thoughts.

"Thank you." Zander said before she left the room. His eyes then glaze over suggesting his mind linking someone. Before someone then walks into Zanders office.

"Yes, Alpha."

"Take two other warriors and go to this address," Zander says handing the warrior a piece of paper with Gwendoline's address on it. "Please inform the women who lives in this address that I would wish to speak to her with great urgency, and bring her back to the pack house. Once your back with her come find me." The warrior nodded before leaving Zanders office, to go for-fill his task.

"They should be back with her around two o'clock, in the mean time we should get everything ready for the boys tomorrow." Shit, I completely forgot the boy's birthday was tomorrow, even more they were going to be shifting tomorrow.

We then went home and prepared everything for tomorrow, buying fifteenth bags of ice and a packet of one hundred six hundred ml bottles of water. Hydration was the key of a shift, I had known this when first shifted which was why I had done it near a lake where I was able to keep hydrated, even if the water was dirty. We chucked the ice in the freezer and the water in the fridge, before getting out two buckets and some clothes and putting them with all the towels we had brought.

By lunch time the warrior's we send out retrieve Gwendoline had returned with her, she was in Zanders office waiting for him when we arrived. We walked in and sat on the opposite side of Zanders desk.

"Alpha Zander, Luna Clara may I asked why I was summoned to your land in such a rush." She was a very pretty woman, she was probably around Beiana and Eveline's age, she held herself with a manner of confidence that I admired.

"We have reason to believe that you broke into our pack house and then stole the body of Masie Williams. Do you have anything to say about this accusation?" Zander asked question.

"Yes, I did in fact brake into your pack house but I did not still the body of Masie Williams. I revived her." She said calmly.

"You revived her!" Zander practically roared, I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him down, though my hand was trembling. I was scared we had all scene Masie breath in James memory but we all believed it was just her body twitching to being touched.

"Why?" I whispered out, I was afraid of what Masie could do, who she would hurt next.

"I'm sorry Luna Clara, I know what she did to you and I do not applause that kind of behaviour, but I had no choice. She had saved my familiar, therefore I owed her a favour anything she wanted. At the time she did not want anything, but the day she attacked you she came to me and said that if she were to die she needed to be revived. So when I found out she was in fact dead I had known choice but to save her."

"If your indebted to her, then why are you telling us all this?" That question was confusing me the most why would she help us.

"Because after reviving her, I am no longer indebted to her and I fear what she shall do in the future and I now that anything she does will be because I brought her back. I wish to help, in any way I can." She sounded so sincere, I believed her I had a feeling about her that we were going to need her help to defeat Masie.

"Thank you, Gwendoline." I said, Zander then spoke up.

"I Zander Rein, dismiss any crimes against the Darkrein pack and here by count you as an Allie to the Darkrein pack." Gwendoline smiled happily and thanked us, and left to head back to her home. Zande then took my hand and we went home. He then got out a frozen chicken from the freezer and chucked it in the oven ready for dinner. We then spent the rest of the day in his upstairs office reading 'Romeo and Juliet' together. It was nice. We sat at the bay window my back leaning against his hard chest as he held the book in front of us and read. It was pleasant, I loved this moment reading in my mate's arms.

Eventually the kids came home from school and we headed downstairs to help them with their homework. By the time they had finished dinner was ready and Zander dished out the chicken and the roasted vegetables he had chucked in the oven earlier. We had all finished dinner and talked for a little bit with the boys preparing them for tomorrow, before we sent them of to bed early as they needed there rest. I tucked Maggie in whilst Zander tucked Artie before I went to bed. I was exhausted, even though I had been asleep for three days, after being shot. But hey a girl needs her beauty sleep. I closed my eyes but still couldn't find sleep. Zander then walked in before slipping into bed next to me.

He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I turned around so I could face him and snuggled my head into his chest.

"What do you think is going to happen? What do you think she's planning?" I asked speaking my mind.

"I don't know, but whatever she does we'll get through it together." This man always knew what to say.

"I Love you," I said shuffling up and kissing Zander's lips.

"I know." He said kissing me back, I then playfully swatted his chest before snuggling into him again and finding sleep quickly.

I was going to write a lot more but then I decided that it would be too big, so I stopped here. We're getting really close to 200 reads, and I know that it probably isn't a lot to most people but to me it's huge. So I now going to realise around one or two chapters per week.

As always

Rugrat Out

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