Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Two days. It's been two days since I gave birth to my precious babies. Maise had moved me from the metal table to a cell, she had me locked up in silver chains. She would bring my babies down every two hours so I could feed them. She didn't have to worry about me fighting her I could barely stand. She had barley been feeding me enough to sustain one not three.

I could hear them crying. Crying, I was too. I just wanted to comfort them. I needed them, just like they needed me. But we all needed him. I needed him, no I wanted him. I tried but I couldn't get to him. This cell she had put me in was made out of silver, making me weaker than I was and making it hard for me to communicate to anyone.

I jumped up, I could feel them, and she was bringing them down. I moved closer to the door placing my hands on the bar, no matter how much the silver hurt I needed them.

"Back away dearie, or else were going to have two very hungry pups." I stepped back faster then I properly should have as I the room began to spin. I recovered quickly... for them. I sat on the bed – or a rock wearing a sheet- and opened my arms waiting for them.

"Hurry up this time." She spat at me. I took them into my arms am fed them, humming to them as I did. I bent down to my boys. "You remember no matter what happens, mummy always loves you and so does daddy. You haven't met him yet, but one day you will." I then lifted my head up and looked Masie in the eye. "And when you do meet him, you'll see he's and amazing and strong leader. And when he does come, and he will. He will make sure no one ever hurts us again, and does who did hurt you will pay. That's a promise." I said before I spat at Masie.

"That's it you little bitch, you're times up!" She growled before taking Logan and Dylan from me and quickly shutting the cell door shut.

"I'm gonna get out of here, with or without help and when I do... you're gonna be wishing Gwendoline didn't bring you back." I then began laughing at her as I watched her face show that she was terrified before trying to mask it up. As soon as she was out of my sight I feel to the floor, letting my act fade. I was terrified myself. I couldn't even stand, I was weak. I didn't no how long I had, or how much longer I could last.

I needed to get help.

'Zander... Zander.'

'Zander please can you hear me.'

'Please.' It's useless, it's not going to work.

'You can't give up Clara, you need to keep trying. You're almost there, I know it. Just try again." Maia encouraged.

'okay.' I responded weakly.

'Zander! Zander. God damm it Zander, please get this!'

'Clara, Clara is that you.' Oh god that voice, how I missed that voice. I felt the smile grow on my face as I realised I finally got through to him. We finally had a chance.

'Yeah, it's me. Please help us.'

'I'm coming keep the link open we can track you using it.' He asked, his tone sweet, encouraging.

'Okay, I'm trying but I don't know how much longer I can.'

'Just a little bit longer baby, okay can you do that?'

'I'll try.' I was trying so hard, but it was getting harder. I was getting weaker and weaker by the moment. The silver was effecting me too much.

'Zander... Zan... I can't... I love you.' Was all I could say before the link broke and so did I falling, almost in slow motion to the ground. I didn't know if I would wake up. I just hope I kept the link open long enough for Zander to find us, or them. I finally hit the ground. My head first, the lights slowly dimmed and the world fogged.

Then Nothing.




Hey ya'll so I know I haven't posted a chapter in over two weeks and I'm sorry for that its I was really busy with school, as I had a massive science project and then I got really sick and still am sick, but on the road to recovery. Anyway I know this a short chapter like really, really short. So guys there's only one more chapter left, and I haven't decided if I want to do and epilogue yet... So yeah. Also I'm going to start editing some of the other chapters.

Rugrat Out

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