Chapter Thirty

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"Babydoll..." I opened my eyes, that voice it was beautiful almost a melody. The room around me was white, clean, beautiful. I was lying on a bed. Two figures stood, staring down at me.

"Hey darling..."

"Dad!" I said as I saw his face, jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck. I turned and saw my mother next to him, hugging her too.

"How... what? You're... am I dead." I asked tears springing to my eyes t the thought of never seeing Zander or my pups again.

"No," another voice said as someone stepped out from the corner of the room. Andrew. I shoved my parents behind me and growled at him.

"Clara, stop!" My mother ordered. I turned to her, this man murdered her and her mate yet she was protecting him.

"Why? Why are you protecting him."

"Clar-" before she could finish Andrew interrupted her.

"It's okay Maria, Clara I'm so sorry. I was a horrible person I see that now. Please I know I have done terrible things, but can you please try to find it somewhere in your heart to forgive me." He was crying now, this was when I realised there was something different with him. He looked cleaner, purer.

That's when I remembered the moon goddess. She was the light in the world and when a wolf, her children passed they would come home, to her. Now it made sense she had cleansed him of his dark ways when he died. When I killed him.

"You saved me Clara." I knew he was no longer the man I knew but I couldn't forgive him.

I turned to my parents, "why am I here? If I am not dead. And where is here?"

"Purgatory or more commonly referred to as limbo the place in between life and death. That's why we can cost it you, because you are half alive and half dead. We're here to help you choose." My father, well the man who raised me as his answered.

"We won't judge you no matter what you choose." Andrew said placing his hand on my shoulder for a brief moment before letting go.

"You've already made up your mind, you tell my grandchildren I love them ,okay." Mum said before hugging me and placing a tender kiss on my forehead before she began fading away, along with my dad and Andrew.

"Come'n" I felt lips on my mouth and air being pushed into my lungs. I sucked in a deep breath opening my eyes.

The cell, I was still in the cell. But my hands, they were free of the chains and the air it was different the smell of pines and mint flooded throughout it. Zander. Then I saw his glorious eyes staring back into mine. Love deep workin them. He leaned down before kissing me passionately without further thought I returned the kiss.

"We didn't just rescue her so you could have a make out session." I heard Wills voice come from behind Zander.

Zander pulled away from me to turn and growl at my brother. He then turned back and looked at me, his eyes trailing down to my stomach- which was now reasonably flat- his eyes glasses over with worry and pain.

"Ar... are they?" I sat up immediately, rushing to the door.

"No, she has them. We need to get them." I rushed out the cell and up the stairs following there sent. I felt Zander and Will trail behind me.

We stopped on the second floor of the building, I bent down on my knees trying to catch my breath. Zander bent down next to me his hands on my shoulders. I lifted my head and listened to my surroundings, listening for them.

Finally I heard something, the quietest whimper.

"Their in there..." Zander whispered, pointing to a door just in front of us. He helped me up and we walked towards the door cautiously. I took Zander's hand into mine as he pushed the door open.

I looked inside and saw Logan lying in a cot his midnight hair the only thing that differed him from his brother. I rushed to him, picking him up and cradling him in my arms. Zander came from behind and placed his hand on Logan's forehead.

"He's perfect, where's-"he did not finish he's sentence as Masie came out of a corner, Dylan in her arms. Zander stepped forward, when she pulled out a knife and held it to Dylan's neck.

"Not any closer." She said wickedly.

I knelt down on the floor tears flowing down my face as I rocked a now crying Logan as he felt his brothers pain.

"Please Masie don't do this, these are your mates grandchildren is this what he would have wanted." Zander pleaded as he took a step towards her. She tightened her hold on Dylan.

"I don't know what he wants, but revenge he deserves." She growled as she moved the knife towards his chest.

"Please..." I begged. Zander opened his mouth to say something when a blinding white light shot through the room. Finally the light began to dim and everyone stood there in shock, as where the light was now stood a man. Andrew.

"My love..." Masie whispered, the hatred that was once there was now replaced with nothing but love and adoration.

"What are you doing Maz?" He asked stepping closer to his mate until he had her arms around her.

"I'm doing it for you, don't you want it?" She asked as tears slipped down her face.

"Not anymore my love, stop this. Our time has ended, come with me somewhere we can be together." He said as he took the knife from her hand and kissed the top of it.

She looked around the dark room thinking through the option she was given. Finally she turned her head to Andrew and nodded taking his hand in hers and letting go if Dylan. I screamed as I watched him fall in slow motion as Zander rushed to him quickly catching him in his arms as he neared the floor. He then joined me on the floor as we all surrounded each other letting tears flow. Tears of both joy and pain. After what felt like a million years, I lifted my head and looked around the room to see Will and Gwendoline.

"How?" I asked my voice raspy.

"I brought her back it was only fair I helped send her away. Andrew helped willingly, he said 'he said he wanted to make up for all the wrongs he did, in hope of being forgiven'."

"He is." I said
So that's it guys, I might possibly do a epilogue and some bonus chapters but for now this book is completed. It was so fun to write this. As it was my first book I wasn't expecting so many reads so thank you for reading it.

Love y'all,
Rugrat Out

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