-T W E N T Y - S I X-

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Chapter Twenty-six: Three Weeks Later

"We're three weeks into the new year and we're still not done planning prom," Kira sighed in frustration. "We've been working since September!"

Indie rolled her eyes and bit into her sandwich. Kira has been stressed for the past week. All she's talked about was how things aren't in order. I can't even count the times she's mentioned booking a DJ. She wasn't the only one who's been stressed. Things between Griffin and I have gotten pretty awkward.

Unfortunately, I knew exactly why. Unlike the last time I got drunk, I remember what happened. Because of what happened, Griffin's kept his distance and I respected his need for space. I also knew I wasn't the only one at fault, so I didn't blame myself too much. I just wanted things to go back to normal.

That's not happening anytime soon. Congratulations.

You put the idea in my head.

Yeah, but you control your actions.

I rolled my eyes. As I was about to reply to her, I sneezed. I've been feeling pretty sick lately. It probably had to do with the fact that I've been walking to school. Kira and Indie both offered to pick me up, but I needed the time alone. It wasn't smart, but it was worth it. Or at least I thought it was until I got sick.

"You should really stay home and get some rest, Kenz," Indie advised.

I shook my head, "No, I'm okay. I'm just a little cold-"

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" It was the same girl from the carnival.

Model Girl looks better up close. She could become a problem.

Why would she be a problem?

I just don't get a good feeling from her. Keep your guard up.

"Actually someone's-"

"You're new here," Kira said suddenly. "What's your name?"

"Brooke Reyes," She smiled, taking the seat next to me.

I frowned. She took off her heart shaped sunglasses and set them on the table next to her purse. She was in a black long-sleeved crop top and a red skater skirt. While she carried a conversation with Kira, Indie and I inspected her. I didn't like the vibes she was giving off.

Why is she wearing a crop top in the middle of winter?

Told you she's a problem.

"Hey, Brooke? What school did you-" I was cut off by a sneeze. "Excuse me. Anyway, like I was saying, what-"

"Sounds like you have a cold," Brooke frowned. "You should get some rest."

Something about the way she said calmed my nerves, "I am pretty tired."

What the hell? Hey! Get it together, idiot!

But I'm so tired.

What did she do to you?

It was then, I noticed her eyes. They were a glowing green. That's why she bothered me. She's a Reaper. That explained why I was suddenly tired. I used my little bit of energy I had left and got up from the table.

"I'll be back. I forgot my phone in my locker," I stated, hurrying away.

I made it outside and leaned against the wall. I was exhausted. She had to have used her powers on me to make me tired. The only question was why. I slid down the wall and took a seat. My eyes were heavy.

"Griffin," I yawned. "I need your help."

"What is it?" Griffin asked, stopping in front of me. "Why are you sitting out here alone?"

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