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Chapter 50: And You're Stuck With Me

"Ugh!" Indie groaned, flopping next to me on my bed. "The single life sucks!"

I shoved her away with my foot, "Maybe because you aren't single."

She rolled her eyes and sat up. Indie hadn't changed much since she left for college. The only real difference was the short hair. She snipped off a few inches and dyed it a shade lighter. Other than that, she had remained the exact same. It probably had to do with the fact that Indie wasn't good with new people.

She wasn't socially awkward, she just didn't like people in general. They didn't understand her quirks or humor. Indie was more of an acquired taste. She took time to understand, but it was ultimately worth it in the end. Loyalty was her best trait.

"You're telling me!" Kira chimed in.

"Neither of you are single! What are you talking about?"

"Bradley's so boring compared to Griffin!" She sighed. "I wish my boyfriend had some amazing secret. The only thing close to amazing about him is the fact that he's ambidextrous. That's useless now that we mostly type everything now!"

I rolled my eyes. Eventually, I decided to tell them about Griffin. I felt bad keeping that from them. Besides, they'd start to get suspicious. Whenever I went over his house, the location on my phone stopped working instantly. He also had a habit of showing up to my house inhumanely fast.

Of course, Griffin had to help me convince them. It wasn't the most feeling the world seeing him prove himself. Especially after that news he received back in January. However, he said he was fine with it and agreed that it was time they knew. There was no way Griffin knew how much that meant to me. He trusted them enough to tell them.

The only downside was the fact that Griffin being a Reaper always found a way into our conversations. I never thought I'd be tired of talking about Griffin, but I was. There was hardly a single conversation we had now that didn't involve him in some way.

"Julie's in Egypt for the summer, so I have no one," Kira frowned.

I raised an eyebrow, "Why didn't you go with her?"

"I failed two classes last semester, so I'm taking classes this summer to make up for it," She sighed. "I would've loved to ditch you losers for her!"

Together, Indie and I chucked pillows at her.

"Hey!" Kira tried shielding herself.

Just then, I felt my phone vibrate. I chucked one last pillow at her before checking my phone.

Griffy: I have good news and great news.

Me: Well... spill!

Griffy: I have to tell you in person.

Good news: He's dumping you. Great news: I get to keep the Grim Reaper for myself.

I rolled my eyes.

Me: When?

Griffy: Whenever you decide to open the front door.

I shot up, confusing my best friends. A grin spread across my face. I tried biting it back, but it was uncontrollable. Even though I was tired of talking about him, I was always happy to see him. I felt like a dog, always getting excited when a guest comes over. I tried to feel disgusted with myself, but I couldn't help it.

It's Griffin.

I hurried to the front door, opening it as quickly as I could. Griffin stood there, arms crossed. The moment he saw me, his arms were held out. I flew into his arms, pulling him into a tight hug. I felt him kiss the top of my head before pulling away. There was a certain light in his eyes.

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