-F O R T Y - E I G H T-

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Chapter 48: I Have to Find Her

One more day.

I only had one more day before I could finally go home. Being stuck in a hospital definitely didn't do me any favors. I hadn't been able to shower properly in weeks and I felt disgusting. I was excited to go home and live in the shower for the rest of my life.

Admittedly, I'd miss someone visiting me every day. It was nice to wake up in a room full of flowers and balloons. The dying flowers and deflated balloons showed people actually cared about me. Still, I missed my own bed and my dog. I hadn't seen either in far too long. Mufasa wasn't a service dog, so he wasn't allowed in the hospital. It would be nice to hug and kiss him again.


I frowned, coming back to reality, "Huh?"

Griffin gazed up at me, a smile playing on his lips. He was lying on my stomach, arms wrapped around me. Since I woke up, he's been by my side. He was still upset the next day, but he came around eventually. Saying we were back to normal was a lie. Before, "normal" meant me constantly worried about my death and my next step. Now, I focused on us and the future.

"I love you," He whispered, nuzzling my stomach.

"I love you too, Griff," I beamed, running a hand through his hair.

After a few more moments, he sighed and sat up, "I'll be back bright and early tomorrow to drive you home."

"I can't wait," I smiled, sitting up as well.

With one last departing kiss, he was gone. I let out a yawn, sliding further into my bed. Just as my eyes began to shut, I heard my door open. I glanced over and saw an unfamiliar man standing there.

His pale skin made the dark circles around his brown eyes obvious. He was tall and thin. It was like staring at a vampire. I hugged the covers tighter to my chest. He was definitely a Reaper, which wasn't the problem. The dead look in his eyes sent chills down my spine.

"Uh... hello."

"Mackenzie Oliver, I've heard so much about you!" He grinned. "I'm sure you're confused. I'm Zeke. Zeke-"

"Raven," My blood ran cold.

I could feel the temperature in the room drop. Griffin went on and on about how horrible his uncle was. Hearing about him was completely different than seeing him. I didn't think I'd be afraid when our eyes met or that he'd look so evil.

"What do you want?"

He shrugged, "A lot of things actually. That's kinda how life works, kid. However, I'm starting with my nephew's demise."

"Why? Why not-"

"Shh. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

All it took was a single blink for me to appear in some sort of stone cell. My body collapsed on the floor, letting out a yelp as the pain shot up my leg. Zeke was standing in the doorway, smirking. The door had bars in the place a window would be. The only source of light came from a light down the hallway. The cell was fairly small.

I felt the heaviness of cuffs on my wrists and ankles. My heart began to race as the situation settled in. Zeke's arms were crossed, a look of disgust on his face. He shook his head before shutting the door. He looked at me through the bars, frowning.

"I expected more from you. Griffin truly does have bad taste," He sighed. "Pity. I had faith in him."

Once he left, I immediately began planning my escape. Before I could do anything, I focused on waiting for the throbbing in my leg to go away. I wiped away the tears from my eyes, not wanting to cry around him. I rolled over so that I was on my left side. My rib hurt just as much as my leg, but it would be fine. My leg would weather the worst of it.

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