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"I'm going to kill you Solace!" I yelled as we were pushed down the hill. Will thought it was a good date idea to go snow tubing. It sounded fun, until we were at the top of this huge ass mountain that was like a vertical slope.

Will just laughed and wrapped his arms around me as I continued to make death threats. My racing heartbeat decided maybe tubing wasn't so bad, as long as I get Will as a tube partner.

The position we were in made me sort of happy and nervous at the same time. Will had gotten in first, I was sitting in between his legs with my back to his chest. The red on my cheeks wasn't from the wind.

Another tube bumped into us, knocking us off course. We neared the bottom of the hill and I screamed, realizing we were headed straight toward a storage shed. Uh-oh.

"Uh...Nico, what do we do?" Will asked. I decided quickly, considering in about ten seconds we were going to be hitting a brick wall. "Bail!" I yelled as I dove out of the tube, grabbing Will's hand and dragging him with me.

We tumbled in the snow and I stopped just in time to see the tube bounce against the shed harmlessly. I felt air on my cheek and I turned my head to see Will staring down at me. His breath smelled minty. He was basically trapping me, his arms on either side of my head. "You okay?" He whispered.

I nodded as slowly leaned down and connected our lips. He tasted minty too. It was just as warm as the first time. I melted into him and felt warm, despite the fact that I was literally laying in snow.

I pulled away, realizing that we were still in the kill zone for tubers. Will hopped to his feet and held out his hand. He pulled me up and I stumbled into him, blushing.

After we got back into the city we had taken off all of our snow gear and my clothes were reduced to jeans, a sweatshirt, a windbreaker over it, boots, and a beanie.

We stopped in Starbucks, being the basic white boys we are.

Sitting at a small table in the back, I could feel Will's gaze as I stared into my coffee. "Nico?" Will asked. I looked up and met his eyes. "Yeah?"

"Have I ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" He asked, making me blush. I was going to attempt to say something but he continued,"They're like coffee. So dark they almost look black, but if the light hits them just right, like right now, they turn a golden-brown color that's simply amazing. They're amazing. You're just amazing."

I didn't know what to say. How could I reply to that. I'd always thought my eyes were just dark and dull. And he though I was amazing?

Your's are mesmerizing, they're like tropical waters, bright and inviting, but if you get on his bad side, they turn dark and dangerous. They're beautiful.

It wasn't until I saw his cheeks flush red that I realized I'd said that out loud.


He smiled and said,"You really think so?" I couldn't form a sentence, so I nodded. He reached for my hand across the table and I withdrew it, before placing it back on his.

"Hey um Nico," Will said as we walked towards the car. "Yes?" He smiled nervously. "Would you, maybe want to be my boyfriend?"

"I think that would be alright."

It finally happened!!! I was really happy to write that chapter, sorry it's not as long but I got busy doing...schoolwork, yeah schoolwork. *cough*reading Leo Valdez x reader*cough* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and thanks again for 1K! Love ya-Morgan

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