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Wednesday. Finally. I get to see him today.

The days were dragging on and on this week. The only thing that made it go faster was Percy's apology that led to his and Annabeth's happy little couple reunion. I don't think they've been apart all week. Lucky bastards.

I still had to wait.

Wait in traffic while I tried to get out of the city.

Then wait in more traffic while I drove to the airport.

Then wait for security, crowds of people, and the world's slowest Jimmy Johns employee to make my food. I mean c'mon that guy had the freaky part down, given the way he was breathing down his coworker's neck, but the dude definitely did not get the 'fast' memo.

And he messed up my sandwich. But I was too impatient to go back and tell him, so I threw it away and my stomach was left empty.

After what felt like hours, but in reality was only 32 minutes and 18 seconds, people started flooding off the jetway. In the ocean of faces I only cared about one.

Blue eyes.

Blond hair.

Easy smile.

That's my Sunshine.

My body was moving before I could even tell it to.

I shoved past people and I didn't care that there was anyone else in the world. There wasn't anyone else, not to me.

His face lit up when our eyes met. His bag hit the ground. I ran and he ran and it was like a scene from a movie, only I wasn't a girl and he wasn't a straight guy.

When I got within reach of Will I practically tackled him. He of course, being Will and all, caught me without his balance even wavering.

"Hi," I breathed, my face level with his. He didn't respond. Instead, he smiled briefly before bringing his lips to mine.

"Best greeting I've ever gotten," I laughed when we pulled away.

"Hey," he said softly.

"What do you want to do?" He asked, sliding into the passenger seat of the van.

"Anything," I replied. He sipped his mocha. Of course he had to get Starbucks before leaving the airport. I wasn't complaining though, he bought me a caramel macchiato.

"Wanna go get some food?" he asked.



"You know me well, Solace."

"Ah, well I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I didn't," he responded with a smile.

"You are a pretty great boyfriend," I say back

He smiles,"Well, I try."

"I'm glad."

"You are too, Nico."

I blushed. "Thanks."

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