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I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. There was a message on the screen of my phone. From Nico.


It was real. After Nico said yes to being my boyfriend I keep thinking I'll wake up one morning and it will have just been a dream. Thank god it's not.

Nico: Hey Will, can't wait to see you at school on Monday. Have a good rest of your weekend :)

Me:You too Neeks, have a good Sunday <3

I walked downstairs to see my Mom, Dad, and an extra head of blond hair sitting in the kitchen. He turned around and a grin split across his face. "Hey Will!" Landon said, getting up to hug me. I hugged him and smiled widely. "Landon, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" I asked when we broke apart. He just grinned and said,"Ah, you know me.
I'm full of surprises."

"Anyway, so I hear you got yourself a boyfriend. Give me some info, little bro." I blushed a dark red, but excitedly told him about Nico.

"Well he's sort of got the whole 'tall, dark, and handsome' vibe, except he's really short. He wears a lot of dark colors and he has really dark brown hair. And his eyes, his eyes are beautiful. They're like a coffee color, a brown so dark they almost look black. Anyway though, he's super funny and really sweet once you get to know him. He has a tough exterior but he's a big softie. I really, really like him," I rambled on about Nico.

Landon just listened with a smug look on his face. Landon is a junior in college. I can talk to him about boys because I think he's technically pan, I mean, he dated someone who was gender-fluid. It's sort of complicated.

"He sounds cool Will, when do I get to meet him and give him the 'I'm-the-tough-older-brother' talk?" Landon asked jokingly, but serious at the same time. I shrugged and said,"Well I mean, he lives across the street."

I sighed as my thumb hovered above Nico's contact.


"Hello?" his voice sounded stuffed up.

"Are you okay Nico?" I asked.

"Uh...yeah?" It sounded like he was asking himself.


"Okay fine. I-achoo! I'm sick."

"Do you have anyone to take care of you? Hazel, your dad? Don't you dare lie to me either."

He sighed loudly. "...No, my dad went to work and Hazel is with Piper and Annabeth."

"Okay. I'm coming over. Be there in ten."

"No Will! Please, I don't want you here...you could get sick."

"Nico, I have never ever been sick. And if I do get sick, well I'd rather be sick because I was taking care of my boyfriend rather then letting him suffer alone."

"You're so cheesy Solace. I guess you can come. Just. Please. Bring. Something. To make. This. Headache. Stop."

"You got it Death Boy. Be there soon."

I hung up and ran to the kitchen.

Even though I felt a little bad about leaving Landon on his short trip home, I had a boyfriend who was in dire need of headache curing soup. I said bye to everyone and I ran across the street to Nico's.

The door was unlocked, leaving me a little concerned. Then I realized they had Cerberus. You wouldn't go against that dog unless you were completely crazy. Speaking of which, he greeted me at the door with a growl, then rolled onto his back when he realized it was me.

He waited expectantly and I laughed as I knelt down and scratched his stomach.

After I got past the furry wall that is Cerberus and got Nico some soup in a mug I headed to the basement. I made sure to be quiet on the way down in case he was sleeping, but when I heard a loud sneeze, leading me to believe he was awake.

He was, sitting in his bed making a weak reach for the remote on his night stand. I rushed over and handed it to him. "Thanks," he mumbled. I put my hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. "I'd say you're running a fever of about 101.7. It's not good, but you don't need to go to the hospital or anything."

Nico looked at me in shock. "How the hell do you know that?" I shrugged,"I don't know, doctors instinct I guess." "Whatever."

I handed him the soup in what I thought was a plain black mug, but from the heat of the soup had morphed into a picture of the Maurader's Map from Harry Potter, with the words,"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." And,"Mischief Managed."

"What, I like Harry Potter okay?" Nico said defensively. "I think it's adorable," I whispered in his ear, before kicking off my shoes and getting under the covers next to him.

His cheeks flushed a bright red, but he scooted closer to me and laid his head on my shoulder. I took the remote out of his hand and replaced it with my hand. I began looking through movies on Netflix.

"Well, you wanna watch Harry Potter?" I asked. He smiled softly and I took it as a yes, hitting the play button.

Nico fell asleep shortly before Harry jammed his wand up the Mountain Troll's nose. And I drifted off knowing he was sleeping soundly.

Hey I'm sorry if this isn't great. I'm really stressed right now. I have homework all the time and it's only the second week of school, and an algebra quiz tomorrow. And a presentation due on Friday. And my computer has been weird. This has really helped calm me down, but I'm still kinda freaking out.

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