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Don't get me wrong here, being sick sucks. Buuuuuut, it's not so bad when you have your super hot, future-doctor boyfriend taking care of you.

It was day four of my fever and coughing fits, I believe. my dad was gone for some work related trip he couldn't talk about. I was kind of worried. My dad was a great cop, but, you just never know, not with his kind of job.

Will helped, being the super-optimist he is. Hazel was sort of a nervous wreck. She had to spend her time being calmed by Frank and our friends because I was on strict orders by my "doctor", that I wasn't allowed to be near other people until I was better.

"I'm boorreed," I whined. Will chuckled and said,"Well what do you want to do?" I shrugged. "That's why I said I'm bored stupid."

Will rolled his eyes. "We could...go to sleep...or play a game...or watch TV..." Will trailed off, looking to see if I had decided.

"Let's play a game," I said. Will suggested 20 Questions. I agreed.

"Okay, what's your favorite animal?" Will asked.

"Koala bear," I stated. "How are you so good at archery?"

"I don't know. My dad had an old bow in the garage and I kinda just tried it one day, turns out I was decent."


I thought about it. "Erm...shit...that's a hard question. I guess (Percy Jackson and The Olympians...) the Maze Runner series."

"Hey Neeks," Will greeted as he returned with our lunch.

And by lunch I mean a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream and two spoons. It was that kind of day.

I put a spoonful of ice cream unto my mouth as Will scrolled through movies.

"Finding Dory?"


"The Babadook?"



"um, no."

"Mean Girls?"


"I should've known," Will said with the shake of his head as he clicked on the movie. "Yeah," I agreed.

"...This is Damien, he's almost to gay to function," I quoted, earning a laugh from Will. "Was that directed at me, Nico?" Will asked jokingly.

"No comment," I replied. He scoffed dramatically.

We went back and forth throughout the movie, quoting different people.

My favorite was when Will went,"Boo you, whore." I was practically wheezing. My laughing fit turned to coughing and I reached for the water on my nightstand. I took a drink and breathed deeply. Will put his hand on my thigh and said,"I think that's enough Regina for today." He turned the TV off and the room turned dark. It was about five o' clock, leaving it a light gray out as snow fell silently outside my window.

"You should try and get some sleep Neeks," Will said, pulling off the covers to stand up. "Please stay," I whispered. His stern look melted and he climbed back into the bed.

I leaned into him and laid my head on his chest, placing my hand on his stomach. Will wrapped his arms around me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

"Anything for you."

I know this is kinda short but I really just wanted to write a cute little chapter. There will probably be a little more drama in the next chapter. Thanks my loyal readers, because THIS BOOK JUST HIT 2K!!!!!!!!! How the actual Tartarus did that happen? I'm astonished. Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so much and please keep reading, voting, and commenting. Thanks once again, YOU GO GLEN COCO!!!!-Morgan💛🖤

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