chapter 17

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"This is all because of you, what was the need of coming to my office?" He bawled, and again I took a deep sigh.

Oh well, I forgot to mention that we were walking on this desolate road in this night time, because our car broke down and we don't have a phone. So Mr Shuja is annoyed and is making me responisble for it.

Again the silence overpowered us, none of us were talking, I tried to hold his hand but he jerked it, and was now walking infront of me. I have had enough with his ignorance now.

"What's wrong?" I quickly managed to match his foot steps, as expected he didn't give a damn and losed his hands in his pockets.

"I asked you something" he looked at me and rolled his eyes.

I grabbed him by collor, tears welled up in my eyes "Stop ignoring me" I yelled.

"I am not ignoring you" He softly made my hands loose his collor and again started to walk.

"You are" I held his hand, he looked back. I had urge to cry but Stopped myself.

"So what do you expect after all that? To accept you? Hug you or live with you after whatever you said that day?" He semi-yelled.

"I am sorry" The guilt arose in me, as I spoke softly. "I just was stupid to do that, I just am sorry"

"And what about the divorce and all?" He rudely spoke and started to walk.

"I told you, I was stupid enough to say it, sorry" I said as I matched his foot steps.

"But I am not stupid enough to say that I have already called the lawyer and by this time, divorce papers would be at home" The anger rose in me as I listened to it.

"Ughhh, what's your problem, can't you see I damn Love you, I love you!!!!! What's the problem now" I yelled and he stopped walking and turned back.

The silence prevailed, I seriously didn't believe that I told him, what I feel.

"But I don't" He walked towards me, it crushed my heart.

"You do! You are lying, You told me you love me that day" I said, I knew he was lying or may be pranking me.

"Oh com'on, I don't. See, that day I just over reacted. And then I realised I don't love you. You know after you left, I realised I don't need you in my life" I went on my knees, I...My heart crushed into million pieces. He came and sat near me, we were sitting at footpath.

"You must be lying, please shuja, stop it, I am sorry for whatever I did. But please don't say it." I held his hand, he looked away.

"Zara, I am not lying, it's just that I love someone else and... I don't think our marriage will last" He spoke, The tears started to melt.

"You just broke up with samaira and now you love someone else?" I said, but his words, I know he was lying.

"Don't get into my private stuff, now stand up, we need to walj for 10 more minuted than we will reach home" He changed the topic, I was about to question further but the hope died. I nodded and left with him.

Shuja's POV

We reached home, My feet were aching badly, I was about to ask for ointment from zara but she quickly left for her own room. Alright, I know my words hurt her but she deserves it.

I quickly asked Umair if the preprations are done, He said yes and then I quickly left for dinning area. There she stood, with pink nose, how much she cried, Allah!!!! She was controlling her sobs.

"You know, today I am going to propose my lady" I said as she sat opposite to me, without saying anything she started serving me. The silence prevailed.

"So when are we getting divorced because I can't....." she stopped, I signed her to continue.

"I can't see someone else with you" I smiled inwardly, but kept expressionless face infront of her.

"Better, anyways it's 11 pm already, I want you to come at terrace at 12 pm" She looked at me with nonchalant expressions.

"Why?"she asked and I already knew, this question was coming!!

"I have to show you, the girl I love" I said, as I swallowed the rice.

"She is here????" Zara semi-yelled.

"Yes! She is here, she is there, she is  everywhere, in my heart, my soul, my thoughts, my musings, my...." I was cutt off by zara

"Enough, I have no interest in your girlfriends, so better keep it away and moreover if I met her, I'll murder her" She spoke with fire in her eyes, I had this urge to laugh but I controlled.

"I am sure, once you meet her, you won't murder her" I winked at her,

"You know what Shuja, I don't think your girl friend even exists". I laughed at it.

"Well, she is more than a girl friend, and if you think , I am lying then come with me at terrace now, and prove me as a lier" I was sensing the anger in air ; but I know everything would become calm.

"Okay, fine! I am coming with you" I smiled while she bent down her head.


"So are we at terrace already shuja? Why you have blind folded me?" Zara spoke, the place was dark with air filled up with silence.

"Where are you shuja? Why are not you answering?" Zara spoke, suddenly  someone hugged her from back and she screamed. Shuja quickly kept his hand over her mouth.

"Don't scream, it's me" shuja spoke softly. Zara took a sigh of relief.

"Where were you? Why have you blind folded me?" She spoke, shuja smiled.

"I went to bring the girl I love, okay no more questions, let me unfold the cloth" Shuja, removed the cloth from her eyes, she slowly opened her eyes but much to her dismay the place was dark. She was about to say something but before she could say the lights were switched on and she was startled with the decorations. The black, white and red theme surprised her, the table at centre with two chairs, and the balloons, everything was either black, white or red. It was beautiful, a smile crept over her face but didn't last long as she assumed it's for someone else. She quickly turned to shuja , much to her surprise , he was standing beside something, which was covered with black cloth. It was huge, same as Shuja's size.

"So, I wanted you to meet the one I love!" Shuja spoke, before zara could react, he quickly pulled off the curtain, zara was started, it was her portrait, she didn't know how to respond.

"Okayy so" shuja came near her and went to his knees "You are the girl, I love, you knew it already I know but I wanted to propose you and so I just said our marriage won't last long, Okay leave these things! Zara, I love you , I love you very much, and I just can't imagine my life without you, this week has been terrible, being ignored by you and then ignoring you, everything was terrible, I don't know what made you leave me and then come back but I just know that I can't live without you, I just..just can't imagine it, If you left me because I've been a terrible husband then I am sorry, after ignoring you these days I just realised, It's useless to stay cross with you when you are sorry for it. And I am sorry for not understanding you. So Mrs Shuja Asif, Will you allow me to be yours for eternity? I love you, will you forgive me?" The tears welled up in zara's eyes, she went on her knees and tightly hughed shuja.

"I love you, I love you so much" Zara admitted and hugged him tighter.


So sorry for not updating.
Was busy and then sudden death of someone just messed up everything.
But now I am back.

Thank you for the votes and commntsssss. Lovvvvveeee you

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