23-the golden cage.

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Jacob's pov(continued).......

"Do you want to hear a story?" I asked her, keeping my anger at a bay.

She looked at me confused. Then simply nodded her head without any clue. She must be thinking I have gone mad, telling a story in between of this serious discussion.

"Once upon a time there was a beautiful bird with most beautiful wings.. She was the apple of her owners eye. Who never let her out of her cage in the fear of loosing her.

All the other birds were jealous of her, for she had everything they ever wished for. She doesn't had to fight for food,water and shelter like other birds, she had all the best things at her feet, at her deck and call.

But only she knew the truth.

"Do you want to know the truth?" I asked her and she nodded her head vigorously like a small child.

"she was suffocating from inside. She always questioned God why she had been cursed with such a life where she is just a prisoner, not having the freedom like other birds. She was caged. The cage may be a golden one but it was still a cage.

She wanted to spread her wings which was clipped long ago. She didn't even remembered how it felt like to fly, she just had the vague memory of that precious moment when she took her first flight in the immense and never ending blue sky.

That memory was her only inspiration to live, to feel that again, to fly again, high in the sky leaving all her miseries behind and giving in to the cool breeze which will wash all her bitter memories away.

This hope was her only reason to stay strong and not to give up. But day after day passed. She cried and cried but her cries fell on deaf ears.

She just sat in her cage like a show piece day and night watching the sun rise and set, in the same blue sky which she craves for, which she can always see from the window but can never break free to reach there. Drowning in her own miseries. Slowly her resolve started breaking.

She thought that she can't take it anymore. She blamed herself for being weak and giving in to her miseries and not fighting for her dreams but what she didn't know was, she was one of the bravest being, for holding up for so long.

It was hard for her to stay there in the cage everyday waking up with the same thought that today some miracle will happen and she will break free, to be disappointed again at the end. Every day was same for her. She lost count of day and time. She accepted her faith, that this is how her life will end.

But what she didn't know was, all the while a bird was watching her, hiding by the side of the window, hearing her cry day and night but still not giving up, for him her tears were not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength that showed how she was fighting and struggling everyday but still not loosing her hope because he knew she cried not because she was weak but rather because she had been strong for too long.

One day he decided he can't take it anymore, the agonizing cry of pain, filled his ears wherever he went, her tear strained face always flashed in front of his eyes. He decided that he will free her, know matter what the consequences.

He gathered his strength and went to her and told her that he will help her to fly again in the open sky.

But without thinking about her dreams she warned him, for her owner will kill him if he is caught.

But he said it will be worth it if it means she gets to spread her beautiful wings, never to be bound again.

The key of the cage was hanging high on a wall protected between a ring of thorns. But he didn't faze from his decision and proceeded to grab the keys.

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