42- shining star.

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Onika's pov......

It's already two days since I started executing my plan. Everything is fine till now, he is always calm, composed and cheerful, we drive to the office together, go home together, have dinner together. 

The only problem is, he is even trying to get close to Alex and I don't want him any where near him.

What scares me the most is, they get alone very well. I never expected Agustin to be able to handle him this well. I am completely shocked at how he managed to do that. Maybe he is just a good actor, I thought. But I can't let him play with Alex's innocent heart, like he played with mine.

I don't want Alex to get attached to him in any way. I am afraid he will start looking upto him as his father. It will break Alex's heart when I and Agustin will divorce.

I need to do it fast, I can see Agustin has let his guards down around me, considerably, I need to hit the iron when it's hot. But he is so cunning that one can never know what is going in his mind, But one thing I am sure about he still doesn't trust me fully, if he didn't trust me after three years of our relationship back then, when I did nothing but to love him with all my heart, then what makes me think that he will trust me now.

He is too insecure to even trust his own Shadow, and people don't change in a span of two days. So the only thing I can do is distract him and take his signature on the papers in the heat of the moment, because if I wait to gain his trust completely, whole of my life time may not be enough.

As soon as I take his signature, I will be out of his life with Alex, in a flash, and there won't be a thing he can do about it. Good. Take that Agustin De Luca, you blackmailing bastard.

Till then, I need to do something to keep Alex away from him as much as I can. But I will have to do that carefully, not to make it too obvious, or else he will get suspicious.

To my relief Agustin is not suspecting anything yet but somehow that is not sufficient to put me at ease because I know any wrong step and every thing will be over in just a blink of an eye, and Agustin being the smart ass he is, is not helping either.

I always have to be in hyper-alert mode, be very cautious in every step I take. It's like walking on a ground full of hidden blast mines, one wrong step and..boom.

Then there is Jacob, like the only shining star in my dark sky, apart from Alex. Like a guardian angel.

He talks to me four times a day to check that everything is fine or not. I couldn't believe I have someone who cares about me so much, when I have caused him nothing but pain. What are you Jacob.

Thinking about him brought a smile on my face and I decided to call him this time. So I took out my phone and dialed his number.

He received the call immediately.

"ONIKA?! Is everything alright? Do you suspect something..."he started, in a panicked voice but I cut him off in between.

"Jacob relax, I am fine. You think I can only call you when I am in some trouble? Can't I call you just to have a talk?" I asked, feigning hurt.

"Of course, you can... don't be dramatic."he said and  I can literally imagine a mocking smile forming on his lips.

"Anyways I was about to call you, I have to tell you something...." He said in a stressed voice.

"Go on, what is it?" I encouraged.

"I won't be here tomorrow so I want you to be very careful and promise me you won't do anything stupid."he asked in a strict and serious voice.

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