50- believe me.

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Onika's POV......

We got into the car and I saw Agustin signal Kane and few of his other bodyguards to follow us in another car.

I was looking out of the car window, lost in my own thoughts when Agustin cleared his throat, gaining my attention.

Whenever he does that it means he is looking for ways to initiate a conversation, so I looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

"Do you believe in God?" He asked, his eyes still trained on the road forward, as if afraid to make any eye contact.

Where did that come from, I wonder. What is going in his head these days.

"You already know, I do." I said, masking my surprise.

"No, I mean do you still believe in God?" He put emphasis on the word still.

"Why won't I? Just because a certain person decides not to be human anymore is hardly any reason to blame god for it, though to tell you the truth there was a times when I did blame god for everything, but I am more mature that that now, I know better. You own the mistakes you did, I own the wrong decisions I made, I don't see where did god came in between." I replied emotionlessly.

"Okay...."he simply said looking at me just for a fraction of second before he again set his eyes infront of him "If I remember right, you also used to believe everyone deserves a second chance, you still believe that or has that changed." He asked, in a controlled voice.

I took a shaky breath and said, " that depends, I won't generalise such a thing anymore, if you haven't been in the shoes of the victim, you have no right to generalise such a thing, is what I believe now." I answered back.

"Depends on what?" He enquired, gulping the saliva down his throat, his voiced not that controlled anymore, this time his eyes locked to mine.

"Depends on the offence done, more importantly depends on the person that did the offence, if it weren't you, maybe......" I trailed off, not knowing how to complete the sentence without hurting him further.

A pained expression took over his features, he averted his gaze to focus on the road infront of him, without saying anything. Pretending as if everything is back to normal.

But I could sense the change in his demeanor, he was still as a statue, I was sure he was holding his breath, not even blinking..maybe trying to hold his tears back, the only sign of movement was his tightening grip on the steering wheel, enough to cease the blood supply.

His emotions where all over the place, radiating off him, making me want to stop him hurting like this. Maybe I should, he have had enough, he is trying to change, I need to get over my bitterness, if not for him then for myself, the guilt I feel afterwards is not worth it, but it's not like I do it intentionally, he asked a question and I just answered truthfully.

A huge mansion came in view as the car neared giant iron gates. When we entered several of eyes were on us, I felt Agustin's hand holding me in a possessive grip.

"I am just your PA remember?" I said, hinting him to let go off my hand, he seemed to ignore it and just continued walking.

I scanned the area to see few similar faces, while most of them being unfamiliar. A smile tugged on my lips as my eyes landed on Jacob, he was talking to someone, he hasn't seen me yet.

My attention was diverted as I saw Mr. Griggs approaching us immidiatly to welcome us and alone with him was a man, I have not seen before, in his mid thirties, his eyes scanning me up and down...in a creepy way, causing a shiver of disgust to ran down my spine.

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