Bonus Chapter-2

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Before I start with the chapter, I would like to clear one thing: if you guys go back to chapter 10, where Onika and Agustin first met, I have mentioned there, Onika had already given the interview to the COO to reach the third level, which was by Agustin, as the second one was by the COO, and now as we all know, this 'COO' is none other then Jacob Knights, it is justified to say that Jacob met Onika before Agustin did (though that doesn't change anything, just stating the fact to make the scenario clear)

Onika's pov.....

Dear journal,

This is the most awaited day of my life, if I get this job, finally all my sufferings can come to an end.

Enough of doing two part time jobs to support my studies and bills. Enough of working my ass off to make the two ends meet. Time to do some real work!

This is the dream company I have wanted to work for, since I was seventeen, now I have the qualifications but as you know the only problem is my lack of experience.

I have successfully crossed the previous level, two more are left, this is the second one, and the toughest one I have heard, the COO of De Luca Corporation, will be personally taking our interviews today and the sources says he is the toughest one to impress. If I qualify this, I will be taking a big step closer to my dream come true.

A total of 150 finalists were selected in the first round, out of which only five will be selected in this one, for the final, which will be conducted by the CEO himself, scary isn't it?

My heart is already beating fast in anticipation, I hope everything goes well, fingers crossed.

If I get this job, it can be life changing for me.

I closed my journal and looked at the watch, hanging on the old, discoloured wall of my small apartment, and sighed.

It's 6'o clock in the morning, I know a bit odd time for writing a journal, but I really can't sleep the whole night out of nervousness and need someone to talk to....and, well my journal is the only option I have got.

I got up and went to take a shower and get ready, the interview starts at 9'o clock Sharp.

I wore a knee length black skirt with a white top, and tied my hair in a tight bun, some of stubborn curls making its way out of it.

Before getting out of the apartment, I looked at the photo on my bedstand, and gave a painful smile, my little brother and parents smiling back at me, 'I will make you guys proud one day....wish me luck', I whispered silently with teary eyes, and got out of there, with a heart full of hopes.

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