Chapter 1: My new start

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if some parts don't add up or make sense, please point them out! THANKS FOR READING !
Living out the school day was hard, just like usual.
I struggled with abusive parents and I couldn't catch a break from school either. The bullies were relentless. Things kept piling on one another and I was tired of it all.

Sighing, I plug in my headphones and press play.

"Do I look lonely~~" I start singing, "I see the shadows on my face."

Bobbing my head to Brendon's lovely voice, I prepare to cross the road. The walk light turns on and I start to walk across the street when out of nowhere, a truck comes and hits me.

I can't move. Every breath I take is a sharp pain in my ribs. I can't move anything. I can feel my last breaths are dying down by the second and my eyes getting foggy.

All I hear is the disoriented song playing, until it all fades away.

I feel warm now as if I could feel myself wrapped in a warm, thick blanket on a cold winter day.

But, something keeps pushing me away from the warm place...!
I think feel someone's hands wrap around me. I don't want to leave! I can hear scattered voices all around and I'm scared.
Then, wham! I'm hit with a blast of cold air. I can't control the cries that escape my mouth.


"It's a girl!" a masked assailant says. "Congratulations!"

"Wahh! Wahh!" I cry even louder. I want that warm space back! It's too bright!

"Shh, it's okay, Mommy's here..."

Mommy? My mother wouldn't dare comfort me with such a soothing tone. She couldn't even look my way.

I open my eyes to find this beautiful woman staring down at me.



"Oh!" My 'mother' exclaimed, "Rick, look at her eyes..."

A man I hadn't noticed before, came out of the corner of the room and made his way over to me.

"What's wrong with her eyes?" Rick asks with a nasty tone.

"What's wrong with them, Rick?" The lady asks.

I try to turn my body around, to look at my surroundings further and find that my head is too heavy. I can only move my arms.

This is weird, too weird.

Oh, I see...I must have reincarnated! Lucky me, I guess! Note the sarcasm.

"So, Louise, what are we going to name her?" Rick asked.

"I was thinking about, Poppy Jermaine Imogen" said my mother.

"That's a very weird name, I won't allow it."

"Why not?!"

"Because, Louise, I have a reputation to withstand and it's already going to be tarnished for having a disabled daughter."

"She isn't disabled!" My new mother shouts in my defense, "She's just different."

After five minutes of bickering, they finally decided on Rose Lily Imogen.

Has a nice ring to it don't cha think?

After spending a week in the hospital with mom, I was ready to be brought home. I didn't realize that this place seems oddly familiar to a game I was playing during free time. What was it called again...? Got it! It was called, "Where destiny meets."

I've heard of people reincarnating into games, but that's just absurd.

As a matter of fact, this name, 'Rose' seems familiar....

Mom walked outside the hospital carrying me in one arm, and a few bags in the other.

"Oh, Rosie, your daddy is taking forever."

From in mom's arms, I was looking for any cars. The weird thing is I didn't find any!

Then, a carriage pops up on the road.
"Here he is!" Mother exclaimed.
Timeskip-2 years

I've spent two years in this world. I figured out that this world is actually the world of "Where destiny meets" and I'm the villainess.

Basically, all I have to do is stay away from the main characters, and BOOM! I don't die.

Oh my gwad. I'm getting a sense of déjà vu.

Since I'm actually an 18 year old mentally, I have already learned all the basics. I asked my mother, who was of course surprised I could talk and walk at a very young age, to teach me magic, since this exact kingdom really relies on magic.

My 'father' doesn't come and see me anymore, I wonder if he ever did love me. Although, I already know the answer to that.

Other than a magic tutor, I have mentors in science, history, mathematics, Swordsmanship, and foreign languages. Although I am too young to learn swordsmanship exactly, I can still learn how to clean a blade and some techniques.

"Young miss, lady Louise requests your presence." My nursemaid, Darla, states.

At this point of the game, the villainess's mother dies of heartbreak, and the father comes to take Rose in. Rick then reveals that he has another woman and child.

Rose then changes her last name to her mother's, and for that she gets beaten by the heroine's mother. Of course, no one else knows that because they thought Rose did it to herself, making Rose mentally unstable.

In the game, the villainess dies in all possible routes.

I want to live.

This will not happen.

And that is the reason I told my mother about his affair.


*This chapter isn't completely updated. *

Hey it's me, just wanted to clear up sum. Mizuki/Rose was 16 when she entered the world 😴.

Then, I tried to clear up the process with a timeskip.

(Ik I'm doing a terrible job, just '🐻' with me *Wink* *Wink*)

By the way, I didn't re-read this, so if I have any mistakes, '🐻' with me.

What do I need to do with this story?


Keep going?


Pass out?

I'll choose the last one.


-P. O. T. A. T. A.


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