Types of Magic explanation pt.2

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I love the legend of Korra. Make another avatar series.

Tbh, I didn't really like the ending. Not saying I don't support them. I was just team Korra×Mako.

Team Makorra, Potatoes!


Types of Supernatural Powers and Abilities

PT. 2


The power of Clairvoyance is the ability to see the unknown. These people can sit in a room and know what is happening all around them in the world at that point in time. They do not see the past, or the future, merely the present. They usually only recognize feelings because the image is gone before they can concentrate on it long enough. Sometimes they catch clips of someone's life and what they are doing at that time. They can catch car accidents and people in trouble. These people become troubled because they see all this trouble in the world but feel they are too far away to do any good. This is an uncommon power and is usually incorrectly titled as precognition.

Control Metal

The ability to control metalis especially useful for metalworkers and people directly connected to the elements of earth and metal. It is usually considered more of an elemental power though some people get it without being directly connected to the element. They are able to "speak" to the metal and cause it to change it's shape or move in the direction they want.


An Empath is someone who feels the emotions of another. This power is common in children who are already very perceptive of the world and people around them. Sometimes this power fades with age but there are some people who manage to keep it their entire life. These people tend to become teachers and counselors because they have a strong desire to help others, but this is only good if they can control their power if the situation gets out of hand. Most Empaths have the tendency to spiral into depression from the overbearing negative emotions of others. These people need to learn to block the emotions of others so they can regain who they are and surround themselves with more positive people.

Energy Vampire

An Energy Vampire is a person who has the ability to use other people's powers as their own when they are in contact with that person.

Residual Energy Vampire on the other hand is someone who once they come in contact with a person with a power they will always be able to use this power. These people have a tendency to become corrupted by that power. They turn to crime and attempting to make as many friends as possible in order to steal their powers. They usually quickly gain access to the thoughts of everyone around them and it becomes difficult to keep secrets from them.

Energy Vampires all have the ability to take a person's power and leave them weak and near dead, most try to avoid this as they like to keep their friends alive but it is a defense and Energy Vampire has to keep themselves safe.

Enhanced Hearing

Enhanced Hearing is a fairly uncommon power. It allows a person to be able to hear things from very far away as though they are very close. The peculiar part about this power is that it doesn't affect the volume of the noise. The noises are merely heard as though they are very close instead of very far away.

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