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Year Five

Y/n woke up with a start. She opened her eyes only to see an all too familiar place, the Hospital  Wing. Y/n tried to sit up, but once she tried, her shoulder began to hurt horribly. Y/n winced, and looked at her surroundings. "JAMES?" she exclaimed, shocked to see her crush/best friend, James Potter sitting right next to her. "Are you alright?!" James asked worriedly (and very loudly). Before Y/n answered, she saw the people sitting next to James. Sirius, Peter, and Remus.

Remus had tears in his eyes, and it seemed like he was previously crying. "I-I'm fine. What are you all doing here?" Y/n muttered, avoiding Remus's eyes. "Duh, we were all worried sick! We stayed here for, I don't know, one or two nights." Sirius exclaimed. Y/n slightly smiled, she was happy that her friends had cared about her this much. Y/n looked at her left shoulder, all there was were tons of bandages wrapped around the scratch that the werewolf had made.

Y/n didn't notice, but all of the boys looked at Remus and nodded, as if they were all communicating with their expressions. Sirius cleared his throat awkwardly. "We'll, uh, be in the Great Hall. Madame Pomfrey should let you out in about 10 minutes or so, and she's gonna get mad if she sees all four of us here." he said. "Okay.. I'll meet you there later." Y/n mumbled. James, Sirius and Peter all got up and left, but Remus stayed.

"Y/n, I don't know where to begin, I'm so sorry." Remus muttered, his voice not steady at all. He had started to tear up again. Y/n looked Remus in the eye. "Remus, it's okay. You couldn't control yourself, it wasn't your fault at all." Y/n explained softly. She remembered the terrifying sight of a live werewolf, and shuddered. "Besides, we're still all best friends." Y/n continued. The deadly, murderous glint that was Remus's eyes when he was a werewolf was gone. Now, it was replaces by sadness. Y/n pulled Remus into a hug, and stood up to go to the Great Hall.

- j a m e s -

The chance to ask Y/n out had just ran away from James. Though, he still was pretty confident. James pushed up his glasses and messed up his hair, only to find a flower crown. How- what?! He had remembered putting on the flower crown like, a day ago? Whatever. At that moment, Y/n and Remus walked into the Great Hall. James smiled at Y/n and Remus, glad to see them both happy. Poor Y/n must have been traumatized from that night. James did the first thing that came to his mind, he hugged Y/n. Cheesy, I know. But, although she was only in the hospital wing for two nights, James had missed  Y/n a lot.

Y/n and James pulled away from the hug, and  Y/n smiled her first genuine and real smile ever since before she got hurt on that night.

- y / n -

"So did I miss anything?" Y/n asked, knowing that she'd been gone for two nights. "I dunno. We were in the hospital wing with you for the entire time you were in the hospital wing." James said. Y/n blushed. "Really guys, you shouldn't have. I'm fi-" Y/n got interrupted by Sirius. "Sh sh sh. Marauders care for each other." he exclaimed. Y/n smiled, happy to be with her friends again.

"Well, I know that I've basically been asleep for two nights straight, but I'm still tired. Goodnight, all." Y/n joked. She really was tired though. The Marauders all wished her goodnight, but James did that thing where he seemed like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. God, Y/n hated it when he did that. Might as well do something about it. "Actually, I'll be at the Black Lake. Change of plans." Y/n muttered, in hopes that James would follow her.

As Y/n walked down to the Black Lake (despite her tiredness), she listened for any footsteps behind her. Usually, whenever James hesitates to say something, it's something important. Y/n had to admit, she was a little bit nervous. Not for James, but for being outside alone in the night. The last thing she needed right now was for another werewolf to attack her. It seemed like James wouldn't be coming any time soon, so Y/n sat down and stared at the lake.

It truly was beautiful, the way the waves all moved in one direction, calmly and peacefully. No disturbances. About five minutes passed, Y/n was about to fall asleep, but she heard footsteps. She jerked her head up, hurting her neck in the process, and she stood up, hands in her coat pockets.

As Y/n hoped, i mean, expected, James was walking towards her, a small smile on his pale face. "Hey." Y/n said, smiling. Y/n loved the little idiot, but at times she would remember him and Evans. "Hi, Y/n." James replied quietly, sitting down on the dry grass. Y/n sat down too. She had to prevent herself from falling asleep, she was exhausted. "So, how's your shoulder?" James asked softly. Y/n just nodded and said "It's feeling better." James then began to talk again. "Anyways, there's something I sort of wanted to talk to you about." he muttered

Oh God, this couldn't be good. Not at all. 'We need to talk' is never a good sign, even for just-friend relationships. If James is talking to Y/n in private and not in front of the entire Quidditch team, it had to be serious.

"Go on," Y/n whispered. James seemed a tiny bit nervous, while Y/n was extremely nervous. "Well, we both know that you and I are best friends." James began. Y/n quietly sighed and nodded. "And, well.." James continued, but then stopped himself. "Oh, screw it. I'm just gonna blurt it out." he said. Y/n tilted her head in confusion, as she watched James' expression change three times every ten seconds. What could he ever be so nervous about? James then said something that Y/n, not even in her craziest dreams, had expected.

"Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"


AnOtHeR cLiFfHaNgEr


all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones that I made up
cya in the next chapter!

just for the better II james potter x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat