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Year Seven

James had been awfully stressed lately. Not because of schoolwork or Quidditch, no. He was stressed for a different reason. A scarier reason. Apparently he had been showing his stress, too, because Y/n had asked him if anything was wrong the other day. Yeah. Yeah, something was wrong.

Did James want to talk about it though? Well... no. Not at all. Was he planning to tell anyone anytime soon? Mmm, maybe! James wanted this to stay on the low. For now, at least.

But, he didn't want to overthink this, as it would make everything worse. Speaking of overthinking, though, James just could not get his mind off of Sirius and Remus. I mean, he was so proud of them! They were surrounded by people who were against this type of thing, so even though they weren't dating yet, the two boys were truly taking a risk.

James had been so proud of himself and Y/n for pulling the firework prank though, because without it Remus and Sirius would have still been too shy to tell each other how they feel. Overall, James was extremely happy for them. So were Y/n and Peter.

Here James sat, in the library. Yes, James was in the library. Surprise, surprise. He was studying for his N.E.W.T's, as he was not trying to fail them. There is no way to express how badly James had wanted to go out to the Quidditch field and fly, or hang out with Y/n, or fool around with the Marauders. But instead, here he was, studying.

He had been planning to tell Sirius about his little, uh, secret. James knew Sirius could keep a secret, somewhat.

Speak of the devil, Sirius Black had walked into the library. He was headed to a different direction, but when he caught James's eye he immediately approached him.

"Well well well! James Potter, in the library? Studying? Unbelievable! Simply unbelie-" Sirius began, but James had flicked him. "Shut up." James muttered, smiling.

Sirius took a seat across from James and put his legs up on a nearby table. "N.E.W.T's?" Sirius asked lazily. James rolled his eyes. "No, Sirius, I'm trying to put together my plan to conquer the world. Of course i'm studying for my N.E.W.T's, dummy." James said sarcastically, a smile growing on his face. Sirius jokingly threw his hands up in defeat.

"But, Padfoot, I gotta tell you something. Come here." James muttered, making his voice go lower. Sirius scooted closer to him on the chair. "What? What is it?" he asked, curiosity building up inside of him.

"Well... it has to do with Y/n." James began, whispering.

"Oh my god is she pregnant?" Sirius asked. James simply facepalmed. "No. Sirius, you dumbass, she's not." he replied, sighing.

"I was kidding, only kidding. Really though, what is it?" Sirius whispered, leaning in. James no longer spoke. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a

- m e a n w h i l e -

Y/n, Peter, and Remus were talking a quick walk outside of Hogwarts. It was a little bit chilly (surprising, judging by the time of year), and there was a light sprinkle of rain so subtle it was almost mist. The three were huddled close together, in an attempt to stay out of the cold.

"Remus? Peter? I have to ask you a question." Y/n muttered, looking down at the wet grass. "Shoot." Remus replied, not slowing down or looking up. Peter nodded.

"Well, uh, do you think James is going to.. break up with me? He's been giving me that sort of vibe and I just wanted to know if I was the only one feeling it." Y/n whispered, looking up at the two boys, a worried expression spread across her s/c face.

Remus looked at her, then at Peter, and then back at Y/n. He moved a little bit closer to her. "No, Y/n. Don't worry. James loves you. He would never." Remus assured her, a stern look on his face but softness in his eyes. Y/n smiled a little bit.

"Yeah, R-Remus is right. After all you've been through together, he wouldn't even consider it. He might even do the opposite, if you know what I mean." Peter muttered, followed by him winking. Y/n, in fact, did not know what he meant. She would soon figure it out a couple of months later.

- b a c k     a t     j a m e s -

ring. An absolutely stunning ring. It was pure gold, with a bright red shining ruby in the middle. Gryffindor colours. Sirius examined the ring, eyes wide. "Oh my god James, it's gorgeous." Sirius exclaimed. "Shh! Keep your voice down." James scolded, looking around nervously. "Oop, sorry." Sirius whispered.

He handed the ring back to James. "She's going to love it. I can promise you that." Sirius whispered, smiling at James and finally leaning back. James nodded, smiling. "I might, uh, ask, sometime this week. I mean, I have the question ready and everything." he stated, slipping the ring safely into his pocket. Sirius nodded excitedly. "Yes!" he exclaimed.

"What are you guys talking about?" a voice asked from behind James and Sirius, the unmistakable voice of Y/n L/n.

sorry for the short chapter!! i hope y'all liked it💓

cya next time!

- the author, z

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