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Summer of  Year Five

- y / n -

"I'm not saying you're stupid, I'm just saying you're overly insane and daring." Y/n L/n stated as she lazily flipped through the Daily Prophet in the backyard of James Potter's home. Remus snorted. "Coming from you, Miss 'Let's let Moony run around Hogwarts as a werewolf!'" Y/n glared at Remus. "It would have been fun, alright?" she said. "Oh, yeah. Fun watching student's heads get ripped off by a furious werewolf. How exciting." Remus replied sarcastically. Meanwhile, James, Sirius and Peter watched Y/n and Remus argue back and forth, like kittens watching a ping pong match being played.

"Shut up, Lupin." Y/n whispered jokingly, a smirk on her face.
"Gladly." Remus muttered.

"I'm glad you all were allowed to stay here this summer. Everything feels so, boring without you guys." James said, chuckling. "You know you couldn't live a single day without one of us, James." Sirius muttered under his breath, smiling. "He's right." Peter chimed in. Y/n sighed and laid down on the soft grass, crossing her arms under her head. The bright sun shone down on the Marauders. "Excited for our sixth year?" James asked curiously. "Definitely not. I swear, if I have to listen to old Slughorn nerd about potions all day long, I'm taking my book and leaving the castle." Y/n joked. Sirius glared at her. "I'm not even surprised that you think your book is more important than us, Y/n." he said. "Spot on, Padfoot." Y/n replied, smiling.

Something that Y/n realized over the past year or so, is that James had been a tiny, tiny bit uncomfortable about Sirius. Obviously it was about the whole 'Sirius dating Y/n' thing in the fourth year, but that was a while ago. Y/n felt terrible about it. Sirius and James were inseparable, and the last thing Y/n ever wanted to do was tear apart their friendship. She still hadn't told James that it was all fake, a lie to make him jealous. Y/n didn't know if she even should tell him. It would surely fix up any issues James might have had with Sirius, but he would be mad with Y/n. Real mad. She definitely didn't need any more drama with the boy.

"Ah, I love you guys." Y/n muttered for no particular reason. She just felt like she needed to let her friends know. "Love you too, n/n." the boys replied immediately, clearly telling the truth. Y/n closed her eyes and smiled, glad. She was just in a good mood. Surrounded by friends, a beautiful day, and no school. What could be better? Y/n kept her eyes closed for a bit, as she was a little bit sleepy.

Before she knew it, she was asleep.

Y/n dreamed of the same boy again. The boy with pale skin, e/c eyes, round glasses, messy black hair, and some weird tattoo on his forehead. Maybe it was like, a costume of some sort. Next to the boy, were two figures. Since she was dreaming, the pictures in Y/n's dream were blurry and hard to figure out. The boy was smiling, but something about this boy was.. off. It was as if Y/n knew him. She recognized him. Just like everything else in her dream, the boy was a bit blurry. She just couldn't tell where she had seen him.

The boy looked at Y/n and was about to say something, but when he spoke it was in James's voice. "Wake up, Y/n!" Her eyes shot open. "Huh? Did anyone die? I swear, Sirius had better not set off a Dungbomb or someth-" Y/n began to speak, but she got interrupted by Sirius. "I'm alive, stupid. But, good idea about the Dungbombs. Will think about it when we're back at school." he joked.


The stunning red Hogwarts Express made its way back to Hogwarts, for the Marauders' sixth year. "Time flies.." Y/n thought out loud, sitting next to her friends on the train. The boys nodded. As they broke out into another conversation, Y/n began to wonder about everything that has happened during her years at Hogwarts. Dating James, becoming Animagi, pranking everybody, learning the Patronus Charm.. wait. Y/n had totally forgotten about her Patronus.

"Guys? I wanna show you something." she exclaimed, a bit nervous. "What is it, n/n?" Remus asked. Y/n took out her wand and closed her eyes. She thought of the time when James Potter had asked her out. She let the memory fill her mind. And then, she muttered the two words: "Expecto Patronum." A stunning blue doe emerged from Y/n's wand, filling the train compartment with warmth and light.

Peter, Sirius and Remus's eyes all widened in shock, but James seemed dumbfounded. "It's beautiful." Peter whispered. The doe pranced around happily. But James did that annoying thing where it seemed like he wanted to say something, but didn't. This time though, he did say something.

"Expecto Patronum." James muttered, holding out his wand.

And right before Y/n's eyes, a stunning blue stag appeared in front of her.


all characters/storylines belong to j.k rowling except for the ones that I made up.
just a short summer chapter lol
thank you all so much for 8k reads!! im really really shocked, but I appreciate each and every one of you so much!
see you in the next chapter :>

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