:Chapter Six:

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                “Do you need a ride home from school today?” My mom asked as I climbed out of the car, taking my back pack off of the car floor.

                I shook my head, “No, it’s fine. I’ll walk.”

                She raised her brow, “Are you sure? I can cancel my meeting if you want.”

                Again, I shook my head. Just because Harry wouldn’t drive me home after school on this Thursday afternoon doesn’t mean that I’m going to make my mom miss her meeting to pick me up. After I told her it was fine again, I shut the car door and turned towards the school. I barely walked two steps after hearing the car zoom away before Niall was by my side.

                “What, are you too cool for us or something?” Niall questioned jokingly, a small smile on his lips. “Because you opted out of a ride from school with Harry and me for your mom.”

                I laughed it off lightly. “I just wanted to get a ride with my mom, is all. It’s been hectic moving in and all.”

                The Irishman raised a brow. “This doesn’t have to do with the Cassidy incident?”

                “Who cares about Cassidy?”

                “How about you get to your locker,” Niall said, stopping at the entrance of the bustling corridor. “So I can meet you in first period?”

                I nodded, agreeing easily and absolutely fine with the conversation change. It wasn’t like I felt bad for Cassidy – really, I shouldn’t have pegged her in the face with a ball – but it annoyed me that Harry cared so much. Like, seriously? I even heard that he brought her to the nurses office afterward, practically carrying her in his arms!

                Once I was in first period, it took a few minutes for Niall Horan to bound in with a late pass. I gave him a look, but he just shrugged innocently and continued on listening to the stupid lesson that our teacher barely attempted at teaching. First through fourth period flew by and, soon enough, we were all in the cafeteria, enjoying lunch.

                Well, I wasn’t enjoying lunch. Harry sat next to me but didn’t try to talk to me while Blake, William, Sean, and Niall played with their food like it was the greatest invention ever. After a few minutes, they settled down, and all of the food on Niall’s plate was settling in his stomach… as well as the food on Sean’s plate.

                “Look who’s coming over,” William muttered, glancing over my shoulder as his eyes trained on one person that I wish they weren’t. “Jasper.”

                Jasper slid into the free seat beside me, saying, “Hey, lads. Hey Fawn.”

                I forced a smile. “What do you want?”

                “I’m having a party this weekend,” Jasper exclaimed as I thought, do all of these popular boys have parties? “You’re coming.”

                “Says who?” I questioned, brows raised in a challenge.

                A smirk spread across his lips as he leaned forward, whispering, “Me.”

                Involuntarily, I shivered, which was enough for Jasper. He pulled back with a dominant smirk before getting up and slinking away, leaving the guys to talk smack on him. Apparently they were all semi-friends, but he was just a little too ‘much’ for the other boys. Harry wasn’t participating in the conversation though – his fists were clenching and unclenching angrily by his side.

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