:Chapter Nineteen:

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                “So, who’s wedding is this for?” Isabel asked nonchalantly as I rummaged through the dresses at a huge dress store.

                I glanced at her, “I’m not sure. I think he said his mom’s friend? Probably her daughter or son or something.”

                She nodded, “Where is it?”

                “I have no idea. Why?” I asked, suspicious of her antics.

                Isabel then said fleetingly, “I don’t know. I mean, it would just suck is paparazzi showed up and ruined the evening, wouldn’t it?”

                I bit my tongue so I didn’t say ‘are you implying something?’ and instead grabbed a dress off of the hanger. It was navy blue and had a lace cover over the same-shade silk that would cover my body down to my knees. Really, it was elegant, but I wasn’t sure if it was wedding material. Biting my lip, I silently debated whether or not to try it on before slipping it back on the rack and continuing my search.    

                In the end, I was in the dressing room with six dresses. Two were blue, one was black and white, one was pink, and the last two were different shades of the rainbow… all mixed together. They were kind of ugly to be honest, but at the same time, they were the only dresses that I could find that fit my ‘style’. I huffed after taking off the pink dress, looking at the last dress I had to try on: the black and white one.

                “Are you done?” Isabel’s impatient voice asked from the other side, and I suddenly knew what this shopping trip was; an excuse to get information out of me.

                I glared at the closed door. “Nope, one more dress.”

                She groaned softly, and I smirked at her discomfort. Taking the black and white dress off of the hanger, I carefully stepped into it before pulling it up onto my body. Fixing it on my body so it was properly adjusted, I lifted my hair up and walked to the door, stepping out and asking my ‘best friend’ to zip up the back. Silently, she agreed.

                Once she zipped it, I just walked back into the dressing room and stood on the platform with multiple mirrors surrounding it. Instantly, a smile lit up my face and I couldn’t stop staring at the beauty of the dress; and how it fit me absolutely perfectly. Fingering the price tag, I was relieved to see it was even on sale, and was finally excited about being here.

                “It’s so pretty!” Isabel gushed, and then said slowly, “If only your butt could fill it out more…”

                I turned to her, unaffected by the indirect insult. “It’s gorgeous.”

                She winced, noticing that I barely cared. “Are you sure the chest is the right size though? You always did have a smaller chest…”

                Still, I didn’t care. “I look great. I can’t wait for Harry to see.”

                And then, with a final glare, she walked out of the dressing room. I smirked to myself before turning back to the mirrors, my grin returning  as I did a little twirl. Harry Styles, you are going to be impressed with me tonight.


                “I do,” The husband said, his voice booming and positive, confidence radiating off of his sleek black tuxedo as his tan hands held his wife’s petite ones.

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