:Chapter Nine:

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                I woke up to the sound of groaning and shuffling around the room before something light landed on my exposed leg. Yawning quietly, I pried my eyes open and looked down at my leg to see it was a tee shirt covering it – and not any tee shirt, Harry’s tee shirt. Again, I heard a muffled groan and looked up immediately to see Harry undressing himself.

                Wide eyed, I spluttered, “Styles! Knock it off!”

                Startled, he jumped, pulling his pants back up as he turned around to look at me. “Oh… I forgot you were there.”

                Instead of letting my eyes roam down to his abs, I yawned again. “Yeah, I am.”

                “Will you wake Niall? He’s dead asleep,” Harry mused, eyeing my morning hair. “And I think you may scare him with whatever is going on with your hair, love.”

                I rubbed my eyes before climbing out of bed, glaring at Harry while walking over to the mirror hanging above his dresser. Looking at my dark waves that were now in knots, I winced, taking the hair band on my wrist and tying it up in a top bun. Finally, I turned back around and shuffled out of the room, shutting the door to leave Harry to shower.

                Immediately and cautiously, I went to Niall’s room and peaked inside. There the Irishman was, sprawled across his bed shirtless and in his boxers with sheets bunched around his legs. I giggled to myself when I saw his mess of blonde morning hair, taking a few steps closer and noticing the chips crushed on the floor and across the bed.

                “Niall,” I said quietly, poking his back before saying louder, “Niall James Horan!”


                I sucked in a breath before looking around, slightly embarrassed of what I was about to scream. “Oh no, Nandos is closing down!”

                Just like that, he was bolted upright in bed with a fearful look on his face. “I’ll buy it!”

                I laughed, watching him frown at me before blinking furiously at me, trying to get his vision clear. Running a hand through his hair, Niall yawned, sensing my lie but barely getting angry or moody over it.

                “Will you make me some breakfast?” He questioned, running a hand through his messy hair. “I need a few minutes to wake.”

                I nodded, amused. “Sure, take all the time you need.”

                He flashed me a lazy grin. “You’re the best.”

                “I know.”

                For the second time that day, I shuffled out of the room while one member from One Direction got up and started prying off their clothes. Once I was safely outside of the closed bedroom doors, I walked over to the kitchen area and looked around for some edible food items. What were there to choose from? Basically, the boys had so many different kinds of food.

                But, the catch was that this food wasn’t the kind of food you make or cook. This was all chip bags, salsa, and ready-to-go food so they never had to waste time cooking. Luckily, though, I found eggs and a carton of milk and that’s all I needed. Quickly, I whipped up three egg omelets for me and the boys by the time they exited their rooms.

                Both had wet hair from showering, but only Harry walked out with a towel in his hands as he dried his own. In the end, he had to leave his damp curls positioned around his head to match Niall’s blonde locks falling onto his forehead.

Chemistry [One Direction: Harry Styles Romance]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن