:Chapter Twenty:

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                It was like a movie, really. The slow motion kiss with both persons of lips moving perfectly in sync with one another, my arms around his neck, his arms pulling me tight around my waist. The night was chilly, but I had his jacket over my shoulders, and our bodies were pressed together, leaving no space in between us. I never wanted to stop kissing him.

                But then we had to, because a crack came from beside us, making me jump away as we both snapped our heads to the side. “Oh, um, sorry.”

                Harry’s mom awkward retreated, turning around and opening her mouth as if to say something again before shaking her head and walking away with a big fat grin on her face. My cheeks heated up, and I knew for a fact he could tell I was blushing even through the darkness of the night. But suddenly there was no longer three feet in between us, and Harry was standing in front of me.

                Slipping his fingers underneath my chin, he forced it upward, and I looked into his eyes. What I saw stunned me – there was happiness, so much of it. It made me smile brightly, even, and I had to restrain myself from kissing him again and instead just get lost in those perfect eyes.  I opened my mouth and then clamped it shut, knowing there was nothing I could say to make the moment more beautiful.

                “Fawn,” Harry said slowly. “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you.”

                I didn’t know what to say. “I…It was good. Like, really good.” I said, then became flustered as I tripped over my next words quickly. “I mean, obviously the kiss was good, but I just mean I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time too and yeah, it was nice–”

                He shut me up with a soft kiss.

                “Good,” Harry murmured against my lips.

And then we kissed again.


                “Hey,” Harry said, smiling warmly at me as he grabbed my hand in the hallway two days later.

                My stomach fluttered but I smiled to cover up the butterflies and smiled back. “Hey.”

                My backpack was loosely hung from my back, leaving one hand holding books and my other to be grabbed by the curly-haired British boy. We’d seen each other and talked on the phone for hours the rest of the weekend, but now we were at school and were officially dubbed the ‘it’ couple. The thing is though, we never fully defined the relationship, so I didn’t know what exactly we were.

                But I was happy. Like, truly happy for the first time in months, which was reason enough to just be content with whatever we were now. Together we walked to the cafeteria hand in hand before slipping into our normal seats at the table, our friends looking at us questioningly – and quite suspiciously, if I might add. People kept looking over at us and whispering, and I knew we were the talk of the school.

                “So,” Niall said slowly, eyes narrowing between us. “What’s up, guys?”

                Smoothly, Harry said, “Hungry and tired. You?”

                The Irish boy answered, “Same.”

                And then they were off in their own little world, and I suddenly jumped up, explaining quickly, “I totally forgot to do my UK History homework! I’ll see you guys later, bye!”

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