Chapter 18

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"Come on, let's take you home to your boyfriend," Landon laughs a little at the end of his sentence.

We both got up as I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Boyfriend?"

"Yeah, you and the class president. I heard that there's something between you guys," he says, sticking his hands in his pockets while walking towards the elevator.

"We're not dating," I scoffed a little, before avoiding his eye contact.

"Well, do you like him?" he asks casually, pressing the button on the elevator as he spins his car keys in his index finger.

I stayed quiet at his question, debating about my answer. After a second of silence, Landon tapped his foot against the white marble floor.

"So you do," he cooed, concluding the situation.

I rose my eyebrows and looked at him, rapidly shaking my head.

"Then why didn't you say that you don't like him?" I closed my eyes in defeat, feeling the elevator move as a distraction.

Landon releases a short laugh before covering his mouth with the back of his hands, "Exactly."

"I hope he won't get jealous that I just took you out for dinner," he teases, leaning down towards me before stepping out of the elevator; leading me back towards his car.

I rolled my eyes, feeling the soft breeze hitting against my back, "I'll just say you forced me against my own will to go with you," I smiled at my response.

"Ah, so you want to play that game," he trailed off as he turned around towards me, walking backwards as he shoots a playful wink.

Landon opens the door for me as I welcomed myself inside, smelling the scent of a new car. I pulled my dress down a little when it slid up from the tilted seat. I sensed Landon watching me. Before I was able to confirm the suspicion, he closed the door on my face.

I released a yawn, leaning back against the seat. When I first sat in this car, I didn't get the chance to observe it; I was too distracted by how awkward the drive was. My eyes trailed from the red leather seats to the customized gold cup holders with nothing in it but a fancy electric lighter. The driving wheel was covered with a leather case, while the driver and passenger windows were tinted pass the legal limit.

"You like it?" Landon chuckles as he inserts the key in the ignition, reaching for his seatbelt.

I shrugged in response, "It's just very," I paused, "expensive looking." Curiously, I wiped my fingertip across the dashboard checking the dust on the car. I looked at my finger and nothing. Not even a spec of lint.

Landon watches me amused, smiling softly as me as I showed him my finger, "How?"

He grabs my finger and pretends to inspect it before quickly letting go and backing out of the parking lot, "I care about my car, that's how."

I scoffed at him, rudely insulted, "You probably just hire people to clean it."

Landon raised his eyebrows in amusement as a he defensively shakes his head, "I could! But I like to take care of my baby myself."

"You're one of those people," I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window, losing interest in the conversation.

"I never knew you were like this," Landon mumbles underneath his breath, loud enough for me to hear.

"Like what?" I asked, eyes still kept on the scenery.

"Sarcastic, funny. It suits you," he continues, "I thought you were just a quiet, reserved girl who only enjoys art. You didn't talk much the car ride here either."

I furrowed my eyebrows, turning my head back towards him, "That's because I hate you."

"Then why are you talking to me," Landon smirks, sending a wink my way. Second time, he winks in a day.

I huffed in annoyance. I hated the smirk that appears on his lips. It sends vibes of hatred, confusion; it feels like I'm being lied to. Never trust a guy with a sarcastic smirk.

The car ride soon became quiet, although the silence wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was more peaceful, and relaxing. I closed my eyes as I tilted my head towards the window. The seat was tilted back enough for me to lean back in a relaxing position before drifting off to unconsciousness.

- - -

I opened my eyes after what only felt like five minutes. My head was still tilting towards the window. Taking a deep breathe, I blinked multiple times in order to get my vision back in focus. I release a slight yawn before sitting up.

Landon wasn't in the driver's seat anymore; in fact, I was there alone. Confused, I pushed my hair behind my ears before checking my phone.

11:45 pm


Where are you?

11:46 pm



11:47 pm


Hello? I'm worried, why are you not home yet?

10 missed calls from Austin

My eyes widened. It was already five minutes from midnight. Nervously, I bit my lip before opening his messages and texting back.

Sorry! I fell asleep at Bella's house. I'm going to come home a little later, she'll drive me.

I looked out the window, in attempt to find Landon. However, all I see is darkness. Irritated, I opened the door and quickly slammed it.

"Landon?" I called out.

My phone buzzed.

12:00 pm


Okay, call me if anything.

Clicking my tongue in pure annoyance, I locked my phone and started walking around to who knows where.

"Landon!" I called again, louder this time.

The breeze had gotten a lot colder than it was when we were at the restaurant. The frosty air hit my exposed back and arms, sending shivers down my spine. My teeth started chattering, my body curled up slightly as I kept walking.

Surrounding me was just a bunch of grass that were at least as high as my stomach. I started to feel afraid of the darkness, and loneliness. I couldn't help but to shake from not only coldness but from fear.

"Landon," I effortlessly called out once more before standing there in defeat.

Even though I gave Landon the benefit of the doubt, he still leaves me alone in the dirty. Literally. I sighed, as I started to walk back towards the direction of the car.

After about fifteen minutes of searching and walking, I finally saw the view of the car again. By then I felt abandoned, I couldn't help but to almost cry like a child being left by her mother. I swallowed back the tears as I convinced myself to keep my head up. Don't be a baby Aubrey. You're eighteen, you can deal with being alone in the dark.

I took a deep breath before hugging myself in effort to warm myself up from the cold breeze.

"So you're Aubrey," a voice from behind me spoke out. 

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