Chapter 19

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Please be aware that there will be mature (kind of) content in this Chapter. Forms of harassment and foul language. If you feel uncomfortable reading this Chapter, I'm going to include the summary in the beginning of next chapter for you guys. < 3

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"So you're Aubrey," a voice from behind me spoke out.

I gasped as I turned towards the person in surprise. The horrify man had nice features, however seems a little older than my age. I swallowed nervously as I took a step back. He had a white button up shirt, with light grey dress pants. Although it was almost pitch dark outside, I saw his features clearly. A face with masculinity, sharp features with a neatly lined stubble.

"The little replica of Landon's ex," the mysterious man growled, as he takes a few step towards me.

"Where's Landon?" I managed to choke out, behind the fear.

The guy smiles at me before a second figure walks out from behind him. Landon appears with sorrowful eyes, staring at me as if he was secretly pleading for help. I raise an eyebrow in confusion and hissed, "What the hell?"

I clenched my fist as I felt my body tense up from anger, pure hatred.

"Hey, don't get mad at the pretty boy now," the odd man walks towards me, raising his hand towards my face. I froze, bravely staring up at the guy deep in the eyes. His right hand had two gold rings, on the middle and pinky finger. As the guy starts running his hands through my hair, I started to get afraid from his superiority.

This guy was clearly rich, he clearly had enough money; and if he was as rich as Landon's father, lord knows what he is willing to do with me. I sniffled a little bit, pressing my lips together as my bravery started to go downhill. My eye sight drifted from his eyes, to Landon's.

Landon stood there, staring at me blankly. After a moment of silence, he suddenly rose his hand, putting his index finger in front of his lips initiating me to me quiet.

I was standing in a position where I didn't know who to trust.

The mysterious guy leans down towards my ears, as I tried my best not to avoid his contact.

"I can't blame Landon for take you on a romantic date," the man trails off as he starts to take a couple steps around my, keeping his eyes on my body, "you're a beautiful one. Even more beautiful than the old." After completing his first circle, he stops in front of me with his hand under his chin.

Again, he steps closer and starts touching my head. My fists still clenched, I tapped my foot on the concrete floor impatiently before clearing my throat. I didn't know what I was feeling. Bravery and fear was all swept up upon my emotions.

The cold air blew wild, as my hair was blown away from my face. Without fully understanding the situation, I felt a hand cup underneath my cheeks. Before I knew it, a pair of lips crashed against mine, hands gripping on my waist as it starts feeling around my body. I attempted to push the man off, wincing in fear feeling him pressing his body against me.

Just a second afterwards, his body was peeled off me. Landon had the guy in a tight headlock, tossing him onto the floor as he straddled on top of the guy.

"Get in the car!" Landon growls, throwing punches at the man's face. I flinched from the violence, but my legs didn't want to run. I froze and stared in disgust.

"Aubrey!" Landon screams as he tosses his car keys at my feet, "Go, now!" he choked up as he was holding the man down. I hesitated to pick up the keys as the two men started rolling on the floor. "Aubrey!" Landon screams again as I bravely clutched onto the keys and rushed back towards the car. It's been a year since I've driven a car, let alone driving under pressure.

I threw my phone and wallet into the passenger seat before inserting the key into the ignition. Looking up at the back-view mirror, I adjusted before seeing the full view of the fight. With my hands still shaking, I held the drivers wheel tightly as I see Landon being pushed off of the man. The two continued fighting as I started the car. I breathed deeply, swallowing back the tears that was about to form in my eyes.

I looked back at Landon with hesitation as we made eye contact. When our eyes landed, he received a fist directly to the face. I winced before pressing on the gas, rushing down the unfamiliar street.

After driving for about ten minutes, the situation replayed again and again in my head. The unfamiliar road suddenly took me to the highway, soon figuring my way back home. Tears formed in my eyes slowly as I tried to blink it away, focusing on the road to go back home.

How is Landon going to get home?

Who was that guy?

Thinking about the mystery guy sent shivers down my spine. Every part of my body that he laid his hands on started to heat up. I felt disgusted, grossed, used. I breathed deeply, attempting to calm myself down from bursting out in tears.

All I was hoping to get out of dinner was a start of a possible new friendship, a change; but I started to regret giving Landon a chance.

I turned the corner of my street, heading towards my house. But something inside of me told me not to stop. When I reached the street of my house, I gripped the drivers wheel and pressed on the gas, passing home. My throat tightened, my face felt swollen as my eyes tries to pry away the tears forming.

I sniffled as tears dripped down my face.

Then I parked my car.

I leaned back against my seat, letting out a soft sigh before tears uncontrollably streams down my face. Without a second thought, I took out the keys and opened the door, and walked towards the two-story house.

I stood at the steps, silent tears dripping down my face. Hesitating, I put my fingers against the door bell before pressing it.

After about a minute of waiting, the door swung open.

"Aubrey?" Colton softly asks, as he immediately takes a step outside swinging the door closed behind him. He looked at me with worried eyes, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder; pulling me into the warmest embrace.

I buried my face into his shoulder, releasing loud sobs muffled by his shirt.

He hums as he combs his hands through my hair, rocking us side to side attempting to calm me down.

After a short while, I started to settle down from crying. My sobs were being replaced with low, soft sniffles. Colton sensed me calming down before trying to pull away.

Instead, I buried my face further into his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulled him closer towards me. Our bodies rested against each other as I felt the firm protection from Colton's arms.

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sorry guys short chapter today!

x apricitys

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