Chapter 34

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Even though Isaiah has only been to my house once, I could never imagine my brother and some random friend of mine to just meeting. Colton doesn't even have the guts to come inside my house.

I was utterly confused as all I could do was look back and forth between Isaiah and Austin. Fiddling with the strap of my bag, Austin motioned me to come sit next to him as I followed his little command.

By this time, I didn't feel tired anymore. It was as if I snapped out of my lazy consciousness and regain a pinch of reality.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Isaiah, with no intention of being rude.

Isaiah smiles at me sheepishly, as he has his arms crossed against his chest. Being an athlete, Isaiah was quiet fit as a teenager his age. Although he was the same age as me, he would have the benefit of pulling it off as a legal drinker. He had very masculine features, especially due to his very fit athletic body and his serious face would come off as very intimidating.

"I just had to talk with Austin," Isaiah responded casually, poking a finger at Austin. My eyebrows furrowed together as I glanced at Austin. The last time Isaiah came here, Austin and Isaiah had absolutely no contact aside from exchanging looks and small threats towards each other. Something about this situation didn't link up.

"About what?" I asked, sending a small laugh as I made the situation a little bit more awkward than it should be.

Austin releases a smile as he rests his hand behind me on the coach. He leans back as he releases a yawn, brushing his other hand through his red locks as they stay up for a few seconds before leaning back against his head. I was jealous of how soft his hair turns out to be.

"We were talking about soccer," Austin answers, avoiding my eye contact. Even though he had his ankle resting calmly on his knees, and his voice showed a lot of confidence; I knew my brother and can always look through his lies.

"No really," I turned my body facing body Isaiah and Austin. I peered over at Isaiah to see him staring at me in an almost sorrowful expression.

The room got quiet, as the two attempted to find ways to break me the news. I was quick to get impatient as I collapse my body against the coach, observing one of my old paintings that was hung on the wall.

"If you guys won't tell me what's happening around here, I might as well just leave," I murmured.

I could hear Austin taking a deep breath as he sits upwards in his position, closing his eyes for a brief second before exchanging glances with Isaiah.

"I know about the debt," Isaiah suddenly spoke up, catching me by surprise. As I expected myself not to believe him, I looked at Austin for clarification before reality hit me like a ton of bricks.

Pushing my speechless self away, I managed to speak up towards Isaiah, "How?"

Isaiah releases his arms from his chest as he rests them on the arm rest. One hand was up at his mouth, with his thumb rubbing against his chin.

"You can't expect my family to be best friends with Landon's and not know what's happening in his business," Isaiah stated quietly.

"I don't understand," I muttered underneath my breath, trying to solve the puzzle pieces of this mystery.

I looked at Austin again for any source of assistance, but instead my dear brother just shoots me a look of pure helplessness.

"But Landon told me he didn't know anything about," I trailed off, furrowing my eyebrows together as I jumped towards the conclusion.

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