Chapter 20

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i'm so bad at summarizing chapters

but here's my attempt haha

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Previously on the last chapter:

Aubrey runs into a wealthy stranger with relations to Landon. He starts to harass Aubrey in front of Landon, resulting to a fist fight. Aubrey flees with Landon's car during the fight and ends up in front of Colton's steps. Colton and Aubrey shares a meaningful moment in front of his house with warm embraces.

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We sat on his bed, leaning against his headboard. I lifelessly stared into blank space; dressed in Colton's baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts. Colton has his arm around my shoulder, cuddling me from the side.

I looked over at him, a soft smile crept upon his lips. He reached his hand out, combing his hand through my hair. From his touch, the flashback of the mystery guy caught me by surprised, I flinched. Colton immediately sits in front of me on his knees, trying to read my eyes.

"Who hurt you?" he asks, almost whispering.

I didn't respond, instead I tried to avoid his eye contact.

"Aubrey, who hurt you?" Colton growls, hitting the pillow beside me as I didn't try to answer him. By then tears couldn't form in my puffy red eyes anymore.

I shook my head at his previous question, and looked down at hand, playing with my fingers. Colton looks over to my pile of clothes resting on his chair; refraining himself from asking anymore questions and scaring me.

Colton sighs as he grabs me by the back of the neck, pulling me towards him. He tightly squeezed my body and looks at me with sympathy.

"I'm sorry," he says, cupping my face.

Although I thought my eyes couldn't produce anymore tears, I was wrong. With Colton's hands holding my face, his eyes staring deep into me; I couldn't help but tears of relief came down my face. I was glad I came to Colton for support, he makes me feel protected.

Our face slowly came closer to each other, forehead resting on mine. Tears that has dripped down my cheeks slowed down the moment we made contact. We hesitated. We stayed in that position, lips brushing on top of each other. If one of us accidentally tilts upwards, my lips would've fully made contact.

Colton made that accident.

His lips softly place on mine as we kissed in the silence. I felt his kiss healing my broken lips. I didn't feel as dirty as I did earlier. The last tear drop slid down my face, before we broke off the kiss.

My lips were left tingling as Colton moves back to my side.

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6:30 AM


So you didn't come home.

6:31 AM


I covered up for you when dad asked. You owe me an explanation

6:32 AM


Just text me back so I know you're safe

7:00 AM


I'm safe

7:01 AM

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