Chapter 26

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Landon's hair was effortlessly pushed upward, as he keeps his eyes on the road. Déjà vu flashes back into my head as I remember about the day we went out for dinner. I couldn't help but smile at the heartfelt stories he's shared with me.

I couldn't confirm that he was telling the truth, but what was there to lie about? I turned my attention back towards the road, leading us towards an outdoor mall. I rose an eyebrow and looked at him, making a face, "We're going shopping?" I asked.

"I kind of have to make a run for something. But there is this one place I wanted to show you," he casually states.

"What is this, a date?" I attacked him, looking at him as if I wasn't interested in his daily routines.

He released a chuckle and looks at me with his daring blue eyes, "If you want it to be."

I scoffed and leaned back against the seat, watching as he parks us in a handicap zone. It occurred to me that we were two totally fine looking young adults, "What are you doing?" I asked, looking at the handicap sign in front of us.

"Perks," he smiles as me as he flashes a wink. He reaches behind my chair, grabbing a handicap sign from the pocket and hooked it on the back-view mirror.

"Right, you're rich," I blankly stated.

Landon glares at me but softens the moment out eyes made contact. He got out of the car and somehow made it over to my side when I was searching through my bag. He opens the door for me and patiently waits for me.

Second thinking his actions, I got out and stood in front of him, "Why are you doing this?" I asked him casually, putting my bag on my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" he questions, closing the door behind me.

I shrugged and made my way towards the entrance of the mall. He tags along behind me just like how Isaiah normally does; however it didn't feel like it annoyed me as much.

The moment we entered the front gate, Landon immediately straightens up and fixed his gold necklace. His smile suddenly turns into a disappearing smirk soon to be replaced by a blank expression. He sticks his hands in his pocket as he peers across the scenery. I was taken aback by the sudden change in mood, but quickly ignored it.

"So why are we here again?" I asked him.

He shook his head and made his way towards one of the luxury stores. Without a second thought, I followed him.

Walking down the outdoor mall, all the stores that were surrounding us were only high-end luxury stores. Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, every single name brand company that you could think of. I swallowed nervously as I suddenly felt out of place.

I was still wearing out school spirit shirt, with a random black denim jacket over myself. I followed him into a random store and I didn't even bother to look at the name. Surrounding the store, were very minimalistic suits and ties lining up against racks. The shop looked squeaky clean; the white marble floor didn't even have a tiny scratch against it, the glass of the windows were almost invisible, while the female workers were dressed in what almost looks like flight attendant uniforms.

"Greetings, Mr. Carthy," a blonde girl with perky breasts that was clearly seen through her blazer enthusiastically greeted him, hooking her arm about his, "We saved our latest editions like you've asked for. Come! Try it on."

I rose an eyebrow at her actions as the rest of the workers acted as if I didn't exist. However, being the lost girl I was, I followed him towards the back of the store near the fitting room. I sat down in one of the leather seats and leaned back, playing with my fingers as I watched the ladies drag Landon back and forth.

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