Catches you in the act...

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Zayn:The pills are in your hand. You look at them, thinking hard. You think you’re ready. You slowly raise them to your mouth and are about to tip them in when you hear footsteps behind you. You whirl around to find Zayn staring at you in shock. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asks. “I just… I can’t deal with it anymore. The hate, the pain, the angry fans. I can’t do this to your career. They all tell me to go die, so I figure, why not do it?” Zayn takes quick steps toward you and engulfs you in a big hug. “Don’t ever let them tell you who to be. You’re amazing just the way you are, and I wouldn’t trade you for the world.” He kisses you softly and you let your tears fall down your face and onto his varsity jacket.

Harry:”I am ending it tonight. This has to be over soon. The fans are bombarding me with hatred. They tell me that I don’t deserve it and I’m ugly and fat. I don’t…I love you, g’bye…” You end the phone call between you and your best friend, no matter how many times she’s screaming “NO!” into the phone. You let a tear slip out of each eye and they roll down your face as you think about what you’re about to do. End your life. Suddenly, Harry bursts into the room and gathers you up in his muscular arms. “I love you so much. Please, don’t ever think about leaving me.” He holds your face in his hands as he continues, “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here. Please.” He kisses you firmly and you realize that this is worth it.

Niall:You walk into the bathroom and shut the door softly behind you, not wanting to wake Niall from his slumber in the room next door. You spot your new best friend sitting on the sink counter. The razor blade gleams as you turn on the bathroom light and your jaw clenches, your gut telling you this is so wrong. Your heart breaks more and more with every step until you reach out and grab it by the blue handle. You swallow a growing lump in your throat and with it goes all discretion between life and death.This is what you want, your mind tells you, this is the only way to get this torture to end. All the hate will be gone the further you drag the blade into your wrists.You push your hand down and before the cool metal can find a place in your flesh, Niall struts in the bathroom. His eyes go wide, thinking he’s caught you going to the bathroom, but suddenly he realizes he’s almost witnessed your death. He grabs the razor from your hand and throws it in the trash. He kisses your wrists and says, “I don’t ever want to see you pick up a razor again. I love you too much for you to leave me. Not now, not ever.” 

Liam:Your father’s a police officer and somehow you snuck a gun out of his cruiser without him noticing. Yeah, if he found out, you’d be in a load of trouble, but that doesn’t concern you because when he does find out, the bullet will be through your head. You slip your fingers around the cool metal handle and slowly bring the barrel of the gun up to your temple. You hype yourself up for it, remembering all the death threats the fans had tweeted you in just one day, let alone the whole year and a half you and Liam had been together. Your pointer finger rests on the trigger and you contemplate not finishing yourself off one last time, but shake yourself out of it almost immediately. You take your last breath and then Liam comes running in the room, “Your dad’s gun was -” A look of realization passes across his face as tears instantaneously pool in your eyes, regretting the decision instantly. You drop the gun onto the carpet and Liam gathers you in his arms. “Please, don’t ever even think about this again. You’re stronger than this.” He kisses your cheek, your other cheek, your forehead, your nose, and then finally your lips.

Louis:The car rolls to a stop and you grasp the door handle firmly between your fingers. Slowly, you walk out onto the ledge of the cliff as you see Louis exiting the gas station half a mile back from where you are. He doesn’t see you just yet, so you look over the edge, and it seems pretty inviting. You think of all the past hatred his fans have given you for the past three years and decide it’s a yes - you have to do this. It’s better than withstanding the death threats and demeaning messages from the ‘Directioners’. You see him looking around aimlessly for the car and then he sees it and starts running to you. Your toes curl over the edge of the cliff, pebbles falling beneath your feet to the blackness below. You take a dramatically deep breath, close your eyes and prepare yourself for the jump. You bend down and suddenly arms encase your waist and you’re being dragged backwards. A deep, British accent flows to your ears, “Don’t you ever scare me life that again. For a second there I thought you were serious. BEST. PRANK. EVER. Now, seriously, babe, don’t even…” You shake your head in defeat, “That wasn’t a prank, Lou.” Realization dawns on his features and he shakes his head in disgust. “Don’t. Just..don’t.” He kisses you sweetly and then helps your shaking frame into the car.

This was the hardest thing EVER to write, you guys, but we did it anyways to show that this isn’t the right decision to make. I know you all have your reasons, but the boys don’t want this. They love all of you and don’t want to see any of these fates (or more) happen to one of their lovely ladies. Please. We love you guys so much, and so do the boys. Much love, .Xx

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