Meet the family...

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Niall: During the car ride to his mom's house, its silent and Niall keeps looking worriedly at you out of the corner of his eye. He parks the car in the driveway and locks the door and turns to face you. "Babe, what is wrong?" You roll your eyes and say, "I'm just afraid she won't like me." He rolls his beautiful blue eyes and smiles before walking around to her car door and opening it for you. Maura rushes forward and envelopes her little boy in a hug. She holds him at arm's length and then looks at you. "Why, you're even more beautiful than Niall told me about." She hugs you and kisses your cheeks before gesturing to the dinner table where she seems to have laid out a feast. She whispers to you, "There's extras in the fridge just in case." she winks and Niall pulls out your chair.

Louis: "Gah!" Lou exclaims, throwing his cards on the table. "You're such a cheater!" He points at Daisy and the entire dining room erupts into laughter. You give a side glance to Phoebe and Felicite and they put their hands over their mouths to cover their giggles. Johannah stands up and claps you on the shoulder, kissing your temple and asking, "Would you like some pie, love?" You smile and shake your head and overhear her and Lou talking in the kitchen. "She's absolutely lovely, Lou." Daisy narrows her eyes playfully at you, "It's not nice to eavesdrop, (Y/N)." You laugh and she deals out another hand as Lou and Johannah return to the table.

Zayn: Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa run out of the house as soon as they see you and Zayn pull up in the driveway. Tracie stands in the doorway watching as you hug the girls. You turn to look at Zayn out of the corner of your eye and a smile lights up his face. The three girls then drift to their brother and you walk over to Tracie. She hugs you tightly and kisses each of your cheeks. "Hi, Tracie," you say quietly, shyly looking at the ground. "You're even lovelier than Zayn mentioned." She gives you a brief tour of the house and then you all sit down to dinner.

Liam: As he holds your hand in the car on the ride to his mother's house, your palms start to sweat and he looks at you with crooked eyebrows. You look out of the window and he squeezes your hand to try and get your attention. "I know you're worried, honey, but I've already told mum all about you. She will love you!" He pulls into the driveway and then you walk hand-in-hand up to the front door. His mom answers and pulls Liam in for an overdue hug. She turns to you and her eyes widen, "Your description didn't do her justice, love!" Geoff joins her and puts his arm around her waist. He notices you rubbing your arms and says, "Don't let them freeze out here, love, invite them in to eat that delicious dinner you prepared." By the end of the night, you are all laughing and having a great time.

Harry: "Gemma's car is here already!" Harry exclaims as you two pull onto the driveway. Harry leans over and kisses your cheek, "They're going to love you, I don't know why you're so nervous." You bite your lip and get out of the car before Harry can make you even more nervous. He walks in the back door holding your hand to see Anne in the kitchen and Gemma sitting at the table talking to one another. Anne's eyes light up and she rushes to give Harry a bone-crushing hug and a peck on the cheek. She turns to you and grips your shoulders in a motherly way, "You're absolutely stunning, love." Harry walks over to Gemma to hug her and Anne whispers, "You should hear him on the phone, babe, he can't stop going on and on about you." You smile and join Gemma and Harry at the table and Anne plates up dinner.

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