Walk in on him changing...

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Harry: "Hazz, would you mind," you start to say as you walk into his room. He's just pulled his jeans over his Calvin Klein's and is buttoning and zipping them up. He is still shirtless and you just keep walking. He raises an eyebrow and you keep talking, "...if we just ordered in tonight?" He nods and gestures to his torso, "Does this not phase you?" You shake your head and reply, "Harry, you practically walk around the house partially naked 24/7, so no, it does NOT phase me."

Liam: You walk into his flat with Chinese food for two when you see him buttoning up his favorite purple plaid shirt. Your jaw is slightly ajar and he walks over to you without finishing buttoning up his shirt, and closes your mouth for you.

Louis: You're making dinner for you and Lou that night and you need to know where the spices are kept so you walk into his room. He's standing in front of a few choices of shirts to wear for the evening. He turns to you and you gape at his toned torso. "I was going to ask you which I should wear, but based on your expression I'm guessing the answer is 'none of the above'?"

Zayn: He walked out of his room with two dress shirts in his hands and asks, "Which one, babe?" You're distracted by his tanned and toned abdomen and you smile as you look over his tattoos. "Babe?" He questions and you lean forward and peck him on the lips. "The one on the right."

Niall: "Because he was a fungi!" He shouts as he enters the flat, coming home from your family's dinner. You laugh and he walks back to his room to change out of his formal attire to something more comfortable. He tells you to find a film to watch and you've got three picked out, and you want his opinion, so you walk into his room, displaying the DVD's in your hands. "Hey, Ni, what do you think about - whoa." He starts shaking his shoulders in what he thinks is a seductive and you just throw the nearest object - a pillow - at his face and he pulls the shirt over his muscled stomach and joins you on the couch.

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