You're sick...

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Louis: He comes into your flat after your best friend texts him for you, telling him she needs a reprieve from babysitting duty. He hugs her and whispers, “Where is she?” Your friend nods in the direction of the couch. “She hasn’t moved for hours. She refuses food and she threw up for four hours straight through the night.” Louis nods his head and walks over to the couch, kneeling down in front of you. “Hey, babe,” he says and you try to speak but he puts his finger to your lips and shushes you. He kisses your forehead and says, “Everything is all right now, baby. I’m here.”

Niall: He mumbles indistinct directions for noodle soup under his breath and you call from the living room recliner, “Niall! Babe, you don’t have to do this. It’s only a twenty-four hour bug; it’ll be gone in a bit.” You see him throw up his arm, telling you to stop talking. Surprised, you do just so. He smiles in satisfaction and a few minutes later a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup is being spoon fed to you by your boyfriend.

Liam: “Shh,” he says, “this is the best part!” He’s absolutely giddy because whenever you’re sick, he always comes over and watches Disney movies with you to take your mind off your sickness. You two are watching Toy Story for the third time in a row in just one day, and Liam is quoting the entire time. The smoke alarm goes off and you put a pillow over your ears as he rushes to the kitchen to stop the racket. He walks over to you with some burnt toast on a napkin. “I don’t suppose you want this, do you?” You shake your head and he chunks the toast into the trash can. He purses his lips and asks, “What about just some hot tea?” You nod your head and he says, “Now that I can do.”

Harry: During the middle of the movie you jolt to the bathroom and are puking your guts out in minutes. Suddenly you regret having that medium rare steak for dinner. You feel the hair being lifted off your neck and scooped into a weak ponytail, but at least it gets it off your burning skin. A thin sheen of sweat glimmers across your forehead and you’re finally done retching your guts out, so you brush your teeth twice to get the nasty taste out of your mouth. Harry walks out of the bathroom and returns moments later with a rag doused in cold water. He wipes your face and kisses your forehead. “Baby, you’re burning up.” He hugs you tightly and you’re so sick you just quietly sob into his chest as he holds you.

Zayn: He rubs your back as you hang your head over the trash can, releasing what’s left of your lunch. When you clean yourself up and wipe the tears off your face, he kisses your temple and holds you close, “Babe, it’ll be okay, let’s just take your temperature.” He retrieves the thermometer from the medicine cabinet and hands it over to you, allowing you to put it in your mouth. Two minutes later it beeps and Zayn takes it out, reading it. “You’ve got a one hundred and two, babe, we need to take you to the doctor.” He schedules an appointment for you for the next morning and you two fall asleep on the couch watching movies.

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