Teaches you to play football/soccer...

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Liam: “Now kick!” Liam shouts to you from the goalie position. You kick and when it soars into the goal, you can tell Liam has been pretending to let you be better than you are. You smile, run over to him and wrap your arms around his neck. “How come I feel that you’re letting me score on you, love?” He kisses you briefly and says sarcastically, “I would never do that!” He takes your hand in his and says, “Why don’t we go get lunch?”

Louis: You two are caught up in a fierce passing game, and suddenly Lou kicks it too hard and gets too far underneath the ball and it hits you in the stomach. You double over in pain and he’s immediately by your side. “I’m so sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to!” he apologizes multiple times, but you can’t catch your breath to tell him to shut up. Finally, you slap him so he’ll shut up, and when he finally realizes what you’ve done, you have had time to breathe sufficiently. “Lou, I’m fine, stop apologizing.” He smiles and asks childishly, “Round two?” You narrow your eyes competitively, “You’re on.”

Niall: He head-butts it to you and you dribble it for a few moments before stopping. “Wow, you’re awesome for a first-timer!” he exclaims. You lay out on the field and Niall plays around for a few minutes by himself. You wipe the sweat off your forehead and when you stand up, you decide you’re going to steal the ball from him. His eyes go wide and he doesn’t let you get too far before he starts to chase you. He tackles you, but turns your bodies to he’s the one who breaks the fall. You kiss him briefly and when you pull away you ask, “How does dinner at Nando’s sound?” His bright blue eyes lighten a shade and he leans up to kiss your nose saying, “Sounds great!”

Harry: He keeps trying to teach you all these techniques for playing football/soccer and you exhale loudly and fall to the ground in frustration. He kicks the ball into the goal and turns around to make sure you’re paying attention. When he sees you lying on the ground, he walks over to you and hovers his head above yours, tantalizing you with his sharp cologne and his lips. You roll your eyes and lean up to kiss him. He smiles and pulls away, “All right, so maybe football/soccer isn’t your thing, but I know what is…”

Zayn: It turns out that after Zayn has shown you some instruction, the pupil has overthrown the master. You’ve become an awesome soccer/football player in the past three hours you and Zayn have been at the field. He bends over, trying to collect his breath as another ball flies into the goal. You smile in satisfaction and Zayn can only roll his eyes. “Looks who’s vain now!” he shouts from the sidelines. You can see his pride has suffered, so when you two are kicking around later, you pretend to mess up and let him score on you to salvage what’s left of his ego.

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