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" Don't forget that I cannot see myself -- that my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror. "

— Jacques Rigaut

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4.1 ; SEE ME, FEEL ME.

            "HEY CARE, WAIT UP!" She heard Reid's voice call from behind her as she was walking into the BAU. She stopped and spun around on her heels to face the doctor, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Happy birthday!" She cheered in a sing-song voice as he walked over to her, pumping one fist in the air enthusiastically.

He blushed and tucked a piece of long brown hair behind his ear nervously. "You remembered?"

"Of course I remembered! What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" She pulled out out her purse and began digging inside before producing a small rectangular white box with a blue ribbon tied around it. She held the present out to him. "I got this for you."

He stopped and stared at the box, looking more confused than happy. "Care, you didn't have to—"

"I'm offended you would even think that I wouldn't get you a present on your 24th birthday," she teased him, elbowing his side gently. She placed the present in his hands and stared at him, waiting for him to look what was inside. "Well? Open it!"

He gave her a small smile as he carefully tugged at the loosely-tied blue ribbon. It fell off easily and he balled it up in one hand as he lifted the lid off the box. He peeked inside as his mouth dropped open, awestruck.

"No way," he murmured, his eyes wide, "How did you know?"

She grinned. "So you like it?"

"Like it?" He exclaimed, "I love it!"

He balanced the white box in one hand as he reached inside and pulled out the scarf she had gotten him. She had searched everywhere—and when she said everywhere, she meant everywhere. Somewhere in between the mall and the small thrift store where she had found the scarf, Caroline had stumbled into an S&M shop. That had been less than pleasant, but, in a strange, weird way, vastly interesting.

Spencer gawked at the scarf, at loss for words. It was, without a doubt, 100% Reid.

He held the dark purple scarf gently in his hands, like it was fragile. Etched around the borders were yellow and blue designs, all tightly knitted together. The person she bought it from told her that the designs were actually a representation of the Mayans "secret library" or something along those lines. It was supposedly a philosophical and maddeningly elusive challenge to figure out the truth of the Mayan library. But she knew if anybody could appreciate and figure out the mystery, it would be Reid.

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