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" Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable. "

William Shakespeare

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6.2 ; SNIPED.

  THE NEXT DAY, ALL the arrangements for the re-enactment had been set in Des Plaines Park. From her position on the field, Caroline could see a single dull brown sedan—supposedly the unsub's car—in the parking lot. Inside the trunk was supposed to be one of the officers, scoping out the park with a sniper rifle to access positions and movements. She felt a little bit uneasy at the thought of someone training a loaded gun at her.

About a hundred yards to her right, Reid was holding a video camera, similar to the one she was holding, as he surveyed his area. He was through as he recorded the live feed that routed back to the surveillance van a block over from the park. He didn't glance up at her wandering stare.

Caroline took a deep breath as she felt the warm morning sun wave over the semi-empty park. It was peaceful, almost as if she were on a day-off and there was no such things as unsubs. For a moment, she was able to relax.

There was just Caroline, Reid and the day.

The sound of Hotch's static voice breaking over the walkie-talkie attached to her hip shook her out of her daze. She blinked several times, trying to get her mind back of track.

"Caroline, Jerry Middleton was facing a little further south," Hotch told her from his watchful position on the parking lot at the top of the hill. "Can you give us that?"

Caroline shifted her body away from the sun slightly as her face turned beet red from embarrassment. Hotch had probably seen her staring at Spencer. She couldn't prevent the creeping blush as she unclipped the walkie-talkie from her belt and held it up to her lips. "How's that?"

"Perfect. Hold your camera right there."

Caroline trained her camera towards the tree line, towards the unsub's sedan. She waited for the assessment.

"It doesn't look like Jerry Middleton had a clear view of the sniper's vehicle when he was shot," Gideon's voice reported over the device. He was in the surveillance van, watching everything they recorded on the field. "The tree branches are in the way."

"I do have a clear view of the vehicle from here," Reid's voice buzzed in. "Tim Reilly would have seen it if he'd look down from the kite."

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