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" When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor, nor worthiness. "

— Euripides

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THE ABSOLUTE SILENCE IN the room hung over everyone as they waited by the phone. The scene around the living room was almost the same as the first two phone calls but this time instead of Mr. Davenport at the head of the table, it was Gideon, sitting as still as a statue as the clock ticked, counting the seconds that passed. Cheryl stood beside Caroline near the mantle on the fireplace, chewing on her nails in anxiety. Everyone else was still, focused solely on the phone.

Any minute now...

Gideon had been sparing with the details of the plan. All that she had been instructed to do was keep Cheryl away from the phone and Gideon would handle the rest.

It wasn't her place to question orders.

Suddenly, the phone rang like an alarm—abrupt and loud. Gideon rose from his seat as Mr. Davenport lunged forward to answer. He stopped the father with a terse nod of his head as the older agent leaned over the phone, his finger hovering over the answer key. Everyone waited with anticipation.

Gideon waited until after the sixth ring to press the flashing green button and the moment he did, he immediately hung up the phone.

Mr. Davenport reeled, a look of perplexity flashing across his face. "What are you doing?"

Gideon didn't respond. Cheryl looked over at Caroline, her eyes wide and frightened. She gave her a reassuring nod, despite her reservations.

She had to trust whatever Gideon was doing.

After a moment, the phone went off again. This time, Gideon was quicker to answer the line.

"Hello?" He said causally, as if he was answering an everyday, regular phone call as he would any other normal day.

The unsub's voice came out annoyed. "Tell me there was a technical issue with the line, because if you actually just hung up on me—"

The receiving line clicked as Gideon hung up for a second time, cutting the unsub off mid-sentence.

"What the hell are you doing?" Mr. Davenport demanded, frowning at Gideon.

The phone rang again and this time, Gideon simply stared at the flashing green button. The trills of the phone started to pound in Caroline's head like mallets on a gong, on right after the other.

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