Chapter 4

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It angered him. Everything you said was correct. He couldn't deny it. He wanted to prove you wrong just once. He comes to a stop. He turns around and heads back to your room.

"Your back." you say as he enters.

"You know things the way I don't. Likewise I know things the way you don't. What you know is one part of the story."

"Your point?"

"Don't act like you know me."

"I could say the same to you." Vishnal clenches his fist before continuing.

"Fine then. Tell me about yourself."

"And this is of your concerns?"

"I'm your husband."

"Which I am divorcing in less than a month's time." you study Vishnal's expression. "What is your real reason for wanting to know?" Vishnal sits down on the bed and looks at you once more.

"What you are saying isn't wrong. But I don't think it is completely right either. You were shunned by society because of your scars."

"I don't blame you guys if that is what you are wondering. I am angry but I don't blame you."

"But why?"

"You guys had this way of thinking for years. If I wasn't born with my scars, I know I would acted the way you would if I saw another person who looked like me." Vishnal looks down. "You are the second person to actually want to hear my opinion on things and what kind of person I was."

"Who was the first."

"Saintess Clare. She was the first."

"I see. You said you two met in the gardens that belonged to The Order."

"I did."

"How else did you two become friends."

"It started shortly after..." you and Vishnal talk about your childhoods. He still held his distaste but he was less antagonizing to you. This though didn't change either of you two's opinion on the divorce. You were going join The Order and he was going to do whatever he pleased.

A few days later Saintess Clare came to visit.

"Really it is an honor to have a member of The Order join us." Duchess Evans says serving Saintess Clare a cup of tea. She picks it up with practice hands.

"I thank you for allowing me join you all." Clare says but then puts the tea down. "Well almost all of you. I believe F/n is not with you. May I see her?"

"Ah." Duke Evans says. "You see, she remains rather isolated in her room. She doesn't want to be disturbed."

"Then I will go to her." She turns to Vishnal.

"If it is okay, will you bring me to her room." 

"Okay." Vishnal says and leads Saintess Clare to you. While walking She speaks.

"Have you and F/n got along."

"We are on speaking terms."

"So you took the initiative."

"I beg your pardon."

"F/n doesn't talk to strangers or anyone in general. When I met her, I spoke to her because I felt her presence nearby. We became friends that way. Your case is different though."

"Is it now."

"She doesn't open to others easily. I was lucky in my case since we were young at the time but as we grew older, she became more and more distant." Vishnal listens quietly. "Take care of her until the month ends. You may not be doing much right now but eventually you might become a friend she can depend on." Vishnal was going to say something but you had just gotten out of your room and saw the two of them.

"Clare." you say happily as you run up to them. You give her a hug.

"It is good to see you F/n." Vishnal noticed how happy you were. You had not once smiled in front of him. 

"Why are you here though?"

"I wanted to see my friend. Besides, we need to discuss your possible positions in The Order." Clare turns to Vishnal. "You hadn't slept with her right?" Vishnal blushes and shakes his head no.

"We didn't." you state and Clare nods.

"Well that will leave more options open." Clare turns to face Vishnal. "Would you like to join us?" Vishnal thinks for a moment before saying.


Secrets Behind Scars (Male!Yandere!xReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon