Chapter 18

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wut does this do?

Vishnal had found the boy who was with you during the accident. The boy was trembling slightly under his gaze. Vishnal only smiles at the boy.

"You were with the horse before I arrived with F/n. You know why the horse acted that way don't you."

"Master Vishnal I-"

"Who told you to do it?" Vishnal says cutting him off. He is no longer smiling but glaring. "You are too young to be able to pull this all off on your own. Who told you do it and who pulled the strings. The boy remains silent. It didn't really matter though. He knew who did it, but having someone say it made it much more easier. Finally, the boy began to speak.

"He said that he-"

"Do you really think our father gives a damn about you?" Vishnal laughs derisively. "Do you know why you work here? It certainly isn't because he loves you."

"You're lying!" the boy shouts.

"What benefit is there for me to lie to you? The only reason why you are here is because father doesn't want any gossip spreading about him having illegitimate children. Every single one of you works here so he can keep a close eye on you and make sure you all keep your mouths shut." The boy begins tearing up. Vishnal crouches down so he is at eye level with him.

"He said he would acknowledge me as his son. He said that if I put the poison within the riding gear that he would acknowledge me as his son." the boy cries. Vishnal pats his head gently.

"There is one thing I will tell you know. Our father is a liar. He doesn't care for you or even me. He only cares about what others perceive him as. He wanted F/n dead for his personal reasons. He almost made you an accomplice to his crime."

"I am sorry. Please don't throw me in jail." he begs

"No worries child. I will make sure that won't happen if." Vishnal looks him straight in the eye. "You tell me where you got that poison."

Days have passed since you spoke to Vishnal. You refused to acknowledge him and that left both of you hurting. Clare had come to visit and she was sitting in a chair adjacent to your bed. You explain in detail what had happened to you and Clare nods. You also explain the feelings you had during this ordeal. Clare nods in understanding.

"Now F/n, are you sure you want to join The Order?"

"What? Of course I do."

"I am not so sure about that F/n."

"What do you mean?"

"It appears to me that you have been rather accepting of Vishnal. You care about him." you look down.

"I won't deny that, but I still want to join The Order."

"You can still help even if you remain married F/n. You just won't be a full member."

"But Clare, I have been wanting this for years now. Why are you trying to tell me not to do so."

"People change with the course of time. You have become more trusting of Vishnal. You may not have fully understood your feelings or choosing to ignore them but they will come to light eventually."

"You think I have feelings for him?"

"That is not for me to answer. As for your legs. I really do hope they figure out what happened. I pray your legs will also get better." The two of you chat away unaware how Vishnal was listening in right outside with a vial in his hands.

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