Chapter 21

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The boy didn't know what to do. If you were to stay with Vishnal, he would be safe from his crimes. But it didn't feel right. Vishnal made him give the poison used on the horse you fell off of. He then made sure the driver of the carriage consumed some before departing as well as the horses. He planned their death. The boy was an accomplice so if he were to say anything, he would be in serious trouble for being an accomplice for murder.

"I...hope you are happy." the boys tells you. You smile at him.

"I hope so too." The boy leaves with all his thoughts rattling away. You look down at your legs. You certainly had gotten closer to Vishnal and was finally able to figure out your feelings. It wouldn't be so bad remaining married to him, you thought. He wouldn't make you go to parties and you could always help The Order. 

You did feel a bit sad knowing the one thing you waited for was slipping away but you believed you would be happy. You still hadn't told Vishnal your feelings yet and decided you would once he returned. You waited patiently for his arrival. 

Late at night he arrived and he immediately went to you.

"How are your legs?" he asks you.

"Good. I was able to move them a bit more." Vishnal looks relieved but his smile fades and he looks down with a sad expression.

"Our year is coming to an end." He then looks at your legs. "Your legs are still recovering though. Wouldn't it be better that you stay until they are completely healed." He still wanted you here. You smile at him.

"I wouldn't worry about that."


"I have decided I will stay with you." Vishnal looks shocked but immediately brightens up and hugs you.

"You have no idea how happy I am F/n." You return his hug and the two of you relish in your happiness unaware of how the boy listens in worriedly.

Vishnal and you are happy for the weeks to come. In a few days, Clare was visiting and you were going to tell her your answer about whether or not you were going to stay with Vishnal. As for the boy, his concerns were growing. You still didn't know what Vishnal had done. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to tell you, even if it meant him facing prison.

He waited for Vishnal to be gone off doing his other business when he ran to your room. When you see him, you smile but the boy frowns. You look at him worriedly.

"What happened?" you ask.

"I told you that I was an accomplice to your attempted murder right?" you nod. "I am still sorry. I shouldn't have agreed to do it because I want acknowledgement."

"You now understand and are fine. You shouldn't worry." he shakes his head no.

"It isn't the only time I was an accomplice. Once more, I was made one by Vishnal."


"His parents. They died in an accident involving their carriage. He asked me for the poison. I had some left from the one Duke Evans gave me. It was enough to kill the driver and make the horses crazy."

You couldn't process what the boy was saying. Vishnal was the one who set up his parent's death?

"I don't believe you."


"I just can't."

"Why would I tell you something that would lead me to prison? You have to believe me. You are a good person. Vishnal isn't. He says he isn't like the other nobles who see things for face value. He is worse. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty for the things he want. You have to understand this."

You look down. You were so happy with Vishnal. If what he is saying is true, then your husband was a man who was responsible for the death of three people. You may have not like Duke and Duchess Evans but you didn't wish for their deaths. Just like with your own family. Vishnal killed his own parents and forced a young boy to help him. You see the trauma in the boys eyes. Such a young age and already being riddled with guilt.

"Will you leave Vishnal?" he asks you.


ooooooh what will she say. Now I have just two more endings Huzzah!

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