1.04: chapter thirteen

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"Elle, you're not holding the golf club right."

"Yes I am."

I groaned and ran a hand through my wavy hair. Elle glared at me and I just grinned, laughing at how awkward she looked, "You're not supposed to be holding it so close to the bottom."

So far we had gone through one hall - Elle had hit it with so much force that the ball went off course and we had to ask for a new one. She was losing (though she wouldn't admit it), and right now, couldn't manage to hit the ball. And I had tried to be nice and show her how to hold the club, but she refused to listen.

Elle hit the ball and I busted out in laughter when she hit it way too far too the left. She squinted through the darkness and made her way over to the ball. I smirked and leaned against my stick, flashing her a wide grin when she came back. I couldn't see her perfectly, but my jersey practically glowed in the darkness.

"Is this even a sport?" she muttered, bending over and putting her ball down. Elle stood straight up and awkwardly bent over, holding the club too high this time, "How the hell are you good at this?"

I grinned widely and stepped up to the spot. I set my ball down and stood up, holding the golf club properly and lining up my club with the ball. It was a really simple golf course, and everything was supposed to be designed like a boat at night. It was dark, and fluorescent-shaped boats and waves decorated the walls. The floor was even a neon blue.

And the course in front of me was a windmill. You had to make it under it, without the fans of the mill knocking your ball of course. And the two times Elle had gotten her ball towards the windmill, the fans had knocked it astray. Every time.

I hit it lightly and watched with a confident smirk as the ball went forward easily, avoiding the fans and going through the windmill. I walked to the other side and laughed as the ball went into the hole, keeping my perfect score of zero. Elle shot me a glare and attempted to hit my shin with the club, making me just grin even wider at her.

"Do you want a re-do?" I asked, busting into laughter again when she attempted to hit me with the golf-club. It was hilarious to see how annoyed Elle got when she wasn't good at something.

"No I don't want a re-do," she snapped, picking up her ball and making her way over to the next course. Elle dropped the ball and turned, geen eyes bright in the darkness of the course, "next time, we're doing hockey practice. Not golfing in the dark."

I bit my lip and leaned against my club, watching in amusement as Elle tried to line up her ball perfectly with the course. It was simple - the hole was straight, only a few kilometers away. But there were little waves stuck to the ground on either side, and Elle was glaring at them intensly, making me snort.

Elle flipped me off and held her stick (the wrong way again) and pulled it back way too far. I bit on my thumb to keep from laughing and watched as she whacked it with way too much force. The ball slammed against one of the waves and bounced back, rolling right back at Elle's feet.

Elle frowned and turned to me, and I lost it. I looked back up and grinned, unable to stop myself from laughing at how absolutely frustrated she looked. I leaned backwards and laughed, Elle's calls of, "Shut the hell up Scott," just making me laugh even harder. Elle pushed my shoulder and I bit my lip and flashed her an apologetic smile.

"You know," I said, bumping my hip with her and taking her place. I set up my ball and shot her an amused grin, "all you have to do is ask for help. I am a pretty great player, in case you haven't noticed."

Elle rolled her eyes, "No, you're just lucky."

"Lucky, eh?" another smirk slipped onto my lips and I hit the ball lightly, watching as it rolled down the glowing blue floor. It sank into the hole and I turned to Elle, "I believe that's skill."

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