1.08: chapter seventeen

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Movie nights were a regular thing for Connor, Kelly, and I.

The first time we had met Kelly had been at the movies. The next time Connor invited her to hang-out, he said it would be smart to watch a movie again. (I didn't question him; I had learned it was better to just go with what he said). But, regardless, movie night had become a thing for us.

"You know what I don't understand?" Kelly asked, and Connor instantly turned to her, quirking an eyebrow, "Why you have a pull-up bar outside your room, but I've never seen you use it."

I snorted and leaned against the counter, wiggling my eyebrows at Connor, "It's not really a pull-up bar, actually," Connor opened his mouth to cut me off, and I laughed, "Connor uses it to hang wet clothes off because he's too cheap to use the dryers downstairs."

"I hate you," Connor said, but he was grinning so I knew he wasn't actually mad. Snatching my phone out of my hand, he held up a hand when I went to reach for it back, "I'm caling for pizza. Pepperoni, right?"

"We just got that the other day. Get bacon."

Connor flashed me another grin and thumbs-up, "Pepperoni it is!"

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the bowel of popcorn off the counter and followed Kelly into the living room. There were three practices left, and Elle had been forcing me to train like mad - which meant no more swaying her into going to play mini-golf, instead. But I was exhausted, and before she could even offer the idea of practicing, I claimed Saturday as my free-day.

I threw myself onto the couch and sighed, grabbing a load of pillows and cuddling with them. I was extremely exhausted; almost everyday had turned into practicing for hours, and then coming home and playing joke-hockey games with Connor, using cans and old sticks. Everyday had turned into hockey, basically.

Kelly turned to me, a mischievous grin on her face. I frowned and propped myself up on my elbows, shooting her a questioning look, "So," she said, "how's Elle?"

I scratched the back of my neck, cheeks flushing profoundly. Connor had continued to say that I liked her (despite how many times I said I didn't like her like that), and I wasn't really surprised that he had told Kelly the same thing. He even named the Duke stuffed animal Elle. He was relentless.

"Fine," I said, biting my lip, "and I'm pretty sure we made a promise a long time ago to never listen to what Connor says."

"I heard that!" Connor yelled from down the hall, and I rolled my eyes again at him.

I rolled onto my stomach and leaned forward, trying to hear what Connor was doing. He had been out in the hallway for a bit, and I knew he didn't need to talk to the pizza guy that long. I frowned and pushed myself up, "What're you doing?"

Connor jogged into the room, a wide grin on his face, "I was ordering the pizza. I can't even get five minutes alone to order a pizza."

I scoffed and nodded, falling back onto the couch, "Right," I agreed sarcastically, grabbing a pillow from behind me and tossing it at Connor. I snickered when the pillow hit him right in the nose and Con yelped, "you're one of the most un-coordinated people I've ever met."

Connor opened his mouth to say something back, but Kelly threw another pillow at him. I laughed until one hit me right in the face, making me shoot up and frown at Kelly. She just rolled her eyes and tossed the movie case to Connor, who held up his hands and put the disc in before joining us back on the couch.

Connor shut off the lights, and I scotched back, giving him room to sit next to Kelly. I sighed quietly and propped my feet up on the top of the couch, slipping my phone from my back pocket. It wasn't that I minded having movie nights with Connor and Kelly; it was just that they both obviously liked each other, and they jokingly hit each other with pillows and laughed quietly about jokes they shared.

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