2.00: chapter nineteen

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It was the final try-out today.

Well, technically it was the final try-out. Today they had called in the entire team, a total of forty-something guys. We'd do drills today, and a small game, and then make the cuts for tomorrow. Whoever made the cut would get called in tomorrow, and then the same would happen. On the third day, we would find out who actually made it.

But still, it was safe to say that my nerves were through the roof.

I had shown up fifteen minutes early, and had been sitting on the bench, tightening my laces, adjusting my mouth-guard, and just waiting for the try-out to begin. Connor had been sending a lot of encouraging text (with way too many smiley faces), but, really, I couldn't help but wait for Elle to come.

I sighed and leaned back against the bleachers, closing my eyes, and pinching the bridge of my nose anxiously. I had always been fairly confident at try-outs, but this was something different entirely. If I made the team - an official team for Toronto - that could mean making it further. I shook my head, trying to keep my nerves under control.

"You're early," I peeked open one eye and saw Jay sitting next to me, a wide grin on his face, "who shows up early?"

I snorted and opened both my eyes, seeing how energetic and happy Jay looked, "Someone who wants to make the team," I offered, cocking an eyebrow, "and someone who definitely knows how to charm the coach. He noticed me come in early."

"He's been in his office, Scott."

"He felt my presence," I said, and Jay snorted this time, shaking his head. I frowned and ran my fingers through my hair, looking at my helmet that I had sitting on the bench next to me, "are you ready for today?"

Connor had asked me the same question this morning, and I had confidently said, 'hell yeah.' Truthfully, I was ready. All the practices with Elle, and then the practices in general, had boosted my confidence. I knew I was ready for practice, and today was the day that I showed just how ready I was.

"I don't really 'get ready'," Jay said, pushing his stick between his hands, "I just go out and try to make sure I don't bust up my nose."

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what Jay's referring to, "If you want your nose busted, I'd be happy to help."

Before Jay could say anything, Edi dropped down into the bleacher below us and turned, grinning. During practices, I had started spending more time with Jay and Edi. They were both annoying at times, but they had become the guys I was closest to on the team.

"What're we talking about?" Edi asked, grabbing his helmet and adjusting the strap.

Jay put a hand to his heart, giving me a mock-pained look, "I'm pretty sure Scott was just threatening my life."

"You're an idiot," I deadpanned, snatching my helmet off the bleachers and putting it on. Coach Monroe walked out and I punched Edi and Jay's shoulders, "I'll try not to show you up."

Smirking, I adjusted my pads and walked down the bleachers, going into the ice quickly. Coach Monroe was standing in the middle of the ice and everyone skated around him, waiting to hear how this was going to happen. I sighed and gripped my stick, pushing down any nervousness; this was going to be okay. Connor was confident in me, and Elle had sent me a bunch of, 'it'll be great!' text last night.

Coach Monroe blew his whistle and I leaned against my stick, running through everything I had practiced recently; no sharp turns, think everything through, and hold the stick tightly - but not too tight. I was ready.

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