2.04: chapter twenty-three

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I kissed Elle.

We were cleaning up the mess we made (ice cream was covering the grass, and ourselves), and we had just dropped down by the harbor. It was calm, and dark, and Elle turned to me and grinned, green eyes bright in the dim light.

And I really, really wanted to kiss her.

Elle opened her mouth to say something, but I leaned forward and cut her off by putting my lips on hers. She tensed for a second, but, before I got a chance to do anything, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in closer.

The kiss ended too quickly. I had went to deepen it, and leaned forward with my one hand, only to have it land in a pile of mud. I ended up slipping forward, and accidentally making Elle and myself fall into the grass.

We had taken the subway back to where my car was, and now we were driving home. I still really did want to kiss her again, though.

Elle was leaning forward in her seat, fiddling with the radio for a good station. I snorted and Elle glared at him, before focusing her attention to the radio and switching the station. I knew she wouldn't find a station she liked, though. Whenever she did settle for a song, she changed it a minute later because, apparently, it got annoying.

"You're gonna break my radio," I complained, pulling to a stop at the light. I turned at Elle and pouted, "you've gone through every station, like, five times."

Elle rolled her eyes, "I forgot you could only flick through each station a certain amount of times."

Elle went to change it again, and I groaned, reaching forward and grabbing her wrist. Gently, I pushed her hand back onto her lap and took the dial, flicking to the next station. I didn't know the song, but it was catchy and they kept repeating the same lyrics over and over again, so I deemed it as okay.

"There," I said, grinning and driving forward, "all it needed was the magic touch."

Elle smirked and squinted down at the radio to see what was playing, "Definitely. The magic touch that puts on Kids Pop."

I flushed and shook my head, pulling onto Elle's street and avoiding her gaze. She laughed and leaned forward, drumming her fingers on the dashboard until I pulled up in front of her house and parked.

We sat in silence for a minute, and I bit my lip, contemplating on what to do. Elle's hand was on the handle, halfway turned to the door, but she wasn't moving. So, before she could open the door, I leaned forward, wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her back towards me.

Elle's arms wrapped around my waist, head rested against my chest. I grinned and put my chin on top of her head, just holding onto her tightly. My arms went completely around her back, fingers latching onto each other in the middle.

Elle pulled back and smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile at her, "This was a really good date," I blurted out, jaw going slack when I realized what I had said. Date.

I didn't get a chance to say anything, though, because Elle grinned and nodded, "It really was," she turned, opened her door, and stepped out. Elle ducked down and waved, "goodnight, Scott."

Elle shut the door, and I took no time speeding off down the street.

I grinned the whole drive home because, honestly, tonight had been amazing. Throughout the weeks I spent with Elle, I learned a lot about her. She was sarcastic and snappy, and had a tendency to says things without thinking. But she was also nice, sweet, funny, and just an all-around amazing person to spend time with. Tonight, she had been amazing to be with.

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